Australian Doom Report

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Potemkin Villager
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Australian Doom Report

Post by Potemkin Villager »

Reasons to be cheerful 1,2,3! ... MPWYOlDY_I

"Human civilisation as we know it may have already entered its last decades, a worrying new report examining the likely future of our planet’s habitability warns.

The increasingly disastrous impacts of the climate crisis, coupled with inaction to tackle it are sending our planet down a bleak path towards an increasingly chaotic world which could overwhelm societies around the globe, the report’s authors contend.

The paper, produced by the Melbourne-based think tank the Breakthrough National Centre for Climate Restoration, is presented by the former chief of the Australian Defence Forces and retired Royal Australian Navy Admiral Chris Barrie."

The author can scarceley be accused of being an hysterical tree hugger.
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Post by BritDownUnder »

I personally think civilisation will hang on in a few places but we may go back to the 18th century type of development. I am thinking some places in the far Southern Hemisphere like southern Argentina, Chile, New Zealand and Tasmania. Getting there may prove difficult for the majority of the worlds population once an economic collapse happens. I doubt that there will be an equivalent in the Northern Hemisphere due to population movements unless the governments there buy a lot of bullets. Possibly a well armed Pacific Northwest and western Canada may be able to hold off the zombie hordes and use the abundant hydro power to power a workable civilisation.

I think that the trend towards disarming the general public in most western countries is somehow related to this realisation that there may be large population movements in the near future.

As a side note some of those Australian military officers seem to be very well informed when you hear them talking on TV. Maybe the officers college there has some good lecturers.
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kenneal - lagger
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Post by kenneal - lagger »

The military in the US seem to be well informed and I used to know, before he got moved onto his next posting, the officer in the British army who wrote a report for them on climate change and its impact so I think that they also know what's about to happen.

All the world's military probably knows but its the politicians who find it difficult to tell us that we face an uncertain, unstable future or that find that and its consequences politically and financially unacceptable and are the deniers.
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Post by ReserveGrowthRulz »

kenneal - lagger wrote:The military in the US seem to be well informed and I used to know, before he got moved onto his next posting, the officer in the British army who wrote a report for them on climate change and its impact so I think that they also know what's about to happen.
Yes. the US military venturing into advanced technical topics.... after all they do so SWIMMINGLY on peak oil.

So the gang that can't get something as simple as geology and oil production correct (that random scientific folk knew was a crock in real time), suddenly are now climate experts, arguably a far more difficult topic?

You do understand that peak oilers who run towards a new doom, using the same kind of sources that were discredited during the last doom, appear to be doing nothing more than looking for folks who declare doom, right? That the entire point is believe doom first, and worry about the rationalization later?
kenneal-lagger wrote: All the world's military probably knows but its the politicians who find it difficult to tell us that we face an uncertain, unstable future or that find that and its consequences politically and financially unacceptable and are the deniers.
The world's military planning for a known phenomena, sea level rise as one example, isn't any form of validation of the near term eco-doom that appears to have become quite popular as of late. Even though, as your video demonstrated, humans have been doing this now for millennium.
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