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Petition to bring COP 26 to London

Posted: 01 Jun 2019, 15:22
by kenneal - lagger
My MP, Richard Benyon, is mounting a campaign to bring COP 26 to London with a petition to Parliament to get them to support the application. This is a non political action so please can you all support it even though it is proposed by a Conservative MP.

I have written to him to ask if the conference can be a video based conference so that as many delegates as possible can stay at home rather than flying in at great cost to the environment.

Re: Petition to bring COP 26 to London

Posted: 02 Jun 2019, 19:49
by woodburner
kenneal - lagger wrote:My MP, Richard Benyon, is mounting a campaign to bring COP 26 to London with a petition to Parliament to get them to support the application. This is a non political action so please can you all support it even though it is proposed by a Conservative MP.

I have written to him to ask if the conference can be a video based conference so that as many delegates as possible can stay at home rather than flying in at great cost to the environment.
It’s a pity Richard Benyon (rich landowner) statements and COP26 isn’t based on SCIENCE instead of the dogma claimed to be science, but which cannot be verified by a control.

If it was science, there wouldn’t be such controversy.

A spotters guide
Phrases like – ‘Since records began’, ‘The majority of scientists concur’ ‘Never on such a scale’: are used to convey a message, not necessarily the truth or facts, they rely on the reader having a short memory or being too lazy to check. ‘Unprecedented’; now often means…not within the last 9 months !!
From an associated link:
H.L. Mencken said it best; “The urge to save humanity is almost always a false front for the urge to rule.
One of our biggest pet peeves in the entire climate change debate is the constant use of name-calling, and this name-calling primarily comes from those on who preach AGW. If you’re skeptical of the ‘climate crisis,’ you’re shunned and labeled as a ‘climate [change] denier.’
Now I wonder where this happens, particularly on PS. :wink:

If it mysteriously disappears again, I have a backup, so no worries.