march for the climate

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march for the climate

Post by emordnilap »

On Saturday, March 1 [2014] the Great March for Climate Action begins its 3,000-mile journey across America with a rally in the shadow of an oil refinery followed by a 17.5-mile march through the streets of Los Angeles. The first day of the March is being organized in conjunction with SoCal Climate Action Coalition 350.

Following an 8:30 a.m. PST press briefing and a 9:00 rally at the Wilmington Waterfront Park on Los Angeles Harbor, thousands are expected to march to downtown Los Angeles. On March 2, hundreds will continue the March over the course of the next eight months, to arrive in Washington, D.C. with the message that we need immediate action to solve the climate crisis.
It may achieve something, it may not. At the moment, that's beside the point. I wish them the very best of luck. With Bush MkII in Washington, they'll need it.
I experience pleasure and pains, and pursue goals in service of them, so I cannot reasonably deny the right of other sentient agents to do the same - Steven Pinker
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