Piipa Bartoloti on Crowded Ironies

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Piipa Bartoloti on Crowded Ironies

Post by biffvernon »

Pippa Bartolotti, Wales Green Party Leader, is not shy of the awkwards truths.

http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/pippa-b ... 45121.html
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Post by emordnilap »

Of course there are two things we could easily do to mitigate the effects of both climate change and unprecedented movement of people. We could stop seeking out ever more fossil fuels to burn, and never mind that this does not fit with the business models of the giant corporations - they have made more than enough money. Pursuing an aggressive agenda towards clean energy will stop the seas rising and slow the ethically uncomfortable rise in global temperatures. Secondly we could actually help poorer countries to be more sustainable by sharing expertise and people, by cancelling debt and revoking the so-called free trade agreements which enforce continued poverty on so many developing lands.
No,. Fcuking. Chance.
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Post by Tarrel »

emordnilap wrote:
Of course there are two things we could easily do to mitigate the effects of both climate change and unprecedented movement of people. We could stop seeking out ever more fossil fuels to burn, and never mind that this does not fit with the business models of the giant corporations - they have made more than enough money. Pursuing an aggressive agenda towards clean energy will stop the seas rising and slow the ethically uncomfortable rise in global temperatures. Secondly we could actually help poorer countries to be more sustainable by sharing expertise and people, by cancelling debt and revoking the so-called free trade agreements which enforce continued poverty on so many developing lands.
No,. Fcuking. Chance.
Plus, I think she's being over optimistic on the climate change mitigation front. We may already be beyond that.
Engage in geo-engineering. Plant a tree today.
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