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Planet likely to warm by 4C by 2100, scientists warn

Posted: 31 Dec 2013, 23:09
by 3rdRock ... 00-climate
New climate model taking greater account of cloud changes indicates heating will be at higher end of expectations
"4C would likely be catastrophic rather than simply dangerous," Sherwood told the Guardian. "For example, it would make life difficult, if not impossible, in much of the tropics, and would guarantee the eventual melting of the Greenland ice sheet and some of the Antarctic ice sheet", with sea levels rising by many metres as a result.
This news should make the buggers jump!


Posted: 31 Dec 2013, 23:21
by woodburner
Nah! they won't care. Looks like he has a thyroid problem.

Do you really think George, oops, Gideon Osborne will give a shit? It might give him an early case of the trots perhaps.

Posted: 01 Jan 2014, 09:13
by biffvernon
woodburner wrote: Do you really think George, oops, Gideon Osborne will give a shit?
It appears not, but his children, Luke (12) and Liberty (10) are of the generation that may well see a world warmed by 4 degrees. Perhaps we should talk to them.

Posted: 01 Jan 2014, 11:06
by woodburner
They wouldn't believe anything told to them by a pleb, except when it's too late.