Tim Yeo's been knobbled

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Post by woodburner »

Tim Yeo's been knobbled
He tried to do this to his secretary but he left the "l" out.
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Post by biffvernon »

And now he's been knobbled in another way.
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Post by JohnB »

biffvernon wrote:And now he's been knobbled in another way.
I hope you're not suggesting a conspiracy? I can't believe that sort of thing happens! Of course if his replacement is a sceptic it might look like that.

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Post by biffvernon »

Conspiracy? No, everything is just as it seems.

By the way, nobody here seems to be discussing the NRA, Prism and Snowdon.

Look at the building in the centre of this map:

https://maps.google.co.uk/maps?q=Widemo ... ngdom&z=17

Why the whitewash?
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Post by emordnilap »

biffvernon wrote:By the way, nobody here seems to be discussing the NRA, Prism and Snowdon.
http://www.powerswitch.org.uk/forum/vie ... 347#238347

Here's an article written by John Stanton, Virginia USA
The calculated pursuit of mainstream media by President Obama, the publicizing by the US corporate-national security machinery of PRISM, Stuxnet, and the takedown of BitCoin websites; and the entry of Cyber Command into the daily lives of Americans seems to suggest that a new order is afoot, or at least that the US Corporate State is trying to recover/wrest control of the US historical-current-future narrative from independent internal and foreign news/information sources. Obama seems to have taken US presidential paranoia to new levels.
I experience pleasure and pains, and pursue goals in service of them, so I cannot reasonably deny the right of other sentient agents to do the same - Steven Pinker
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