The latest Conspiracy Theory
Posted: 03 Nov 2012, 04:12
Welcome y'all to the latest Conspiracy Theory to take our minds off the Climate Change/Global Warming origin of the strength, size and lateness in the season of Hurricane Sandy.
The video makes an awful lot of references to "ultra sonic undulation". If you google "infra sonic undulation" you get pages of references to Hurricane Sandy. If you search on Wikipedia there's no reference to it. Perhaps that's because it's a pseudo scientific term made up especially for the occasion! I await being enlightened to the meaning of this wonderful sounding term.
We are told by deniers that humans can't have a significant affect on the world's climate but here we are asked to accept that the US government, or is it Wall Street or the banks, can manipulate the details of the weather over the whole of the US, the western Atlantic and the Caribbean for more than a week!! The energy required to modify a storm of that size would be immense. Or is it the butterfly effect? Why would they want to send an enormous storm into the heart of America? To make money in the clear up? To get Romney re-elected? Oh! no. that's backfired, Obama has risen to the challenge and is looking good! They've been watching too many of those documentary films that they make in Hollywood about that evil Brit, James Bond!! The whole concept along with the video with its droning, hypnotic computer modified/generated voice is laughable and very American, very disaster movie, very Hollywood.
They're just distracting the minds of the thick American electorate with conspiracy theories. It's just a distraction, a new TV show to dull American minds so that they won't clamour for action on Climate Change/Global Warming in the wake of a year of record breaking weather events.
The video makes an awful lot of references to "ultra sonic undulation". If you google "infra sonic undulation" you get pages of references to Hurricane Sandy. If you search on Wikipedia there's no reference to it. Perhaps that's because it's a pseudo scientific term made up especially for the occasion! I await being enlightened to the meaning of this wonderful sounding term.
We are told by deniers that humans can't have a significant affect on the world's climate but here we are asked to accept that the US government, or is it Wall Street or the banks, can manipulate the details of the weather over the whole of the US, the western Atlantic and the Caribbean for more than a week!! The energy required to modify a storm of that size would be immense. Or is it the butterfly effect? Why would they want to send an enormous storm into the heart of America? To make money in the clear up? To get Romney re-elected? Oh! no. that's backfired, Obama has risen to the challenge and is looking good! They've been watching too many of those documentary films that they make in Hollywood about that evil Brit, James Bond!! The whole concept along with the video with its droning, hypnotic computer modified/generated voice is laughable and very American, very disaster movie, very Hollywood.
They're just distracting the minds of the thick American electorate with conspiracy theories. It's just a distraction, a new TV show to dull American minds so that they won't clamour for action on Climate Change/Global Warming in the wake of a year of record breaking weather events.