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Posted: 14 Aug 2011, 19:57
by biffvernon
Weather report
Texas continues to suffer from unprecedented drought. Climate data show that the Lone Star State is in its driest ten-month period ever on record, in over a century of data. This is unprecedented territory, as the precipitation deficits mount, and triple digit temperatures continue to increase water demand. Significant, ongoing impacts related to agriculture, water supply and natural vegetation conditions have been reported. Widespread Exceptional Drought (D4) is maintained in large part across the region.

The western edge of the D4 area in the Oklahoma and Texas Panhandles continued to erode thanks to monsoon rainfall amounts of nearly an inch in some areas. Boise City, OK, received 0.95 inch in the last seven days, compared to an October 1 - July 31 total of 3.78 inches. Elsewhere, D3 was expanded eastward across the remainder of southeastern Oklahoma, over the Red River and into western Arkansas due to a combination of short-term dryness with excessive heat, residual effects of moderate drought from the preceding year, and local impact reports. The Oklahoma Biological Survey reported that streams in southeastern Oklahoma were going dry, threatening up to three endangered mussel species.
Meanwhile, we wait to see whether global warming denier, Rick Perry, Governor of Texas, will run for president.

Posted: 16 Aug 2011, 19:59
by eatyourveg
This is all you need to know about Texas.

Not looking good? Innit.