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New Oxfam study

Posted: 23 May 2011, 13:35
by Kieran ... 87816.html

"The number of weather-related disasters reported each year in the world's poorest countries has more than trebled since the 1980s and the increase cannot be explained by better reporting or an increase in population, a study by Oxfam has found."

Article continues...

Posted: 23 May 2011, 17:26
by JohnB
But they don't count, because it doesn't stop us driving our cars, flying all over the world, and consuming stuff :evil:.

Posted: 23 May 2011, 18:04
by biffvernon

Posted: 24 May 2011, 15:43
by RenewableCandy
At that rate it looks as if you can drive your car and fly at the same time...