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I'm a Climate Scientist - official music video

Posted: 11 May 2011, 09:59
by JohnB
Climate rap by REAL scientists! (Warning: with authentic swear words too). What do you think... have they got a future in the music industry with lyrics like this!? Climate Denier: “The Greenhouse effect is just a theory.. sucker.” Climate scientists: “Yeah, so is gravity... Float away M***er F***er.” ... sic-video/

Posted: 11 May 2011, 11:45
by nexus
:lol: very good

Posted: 11 May 2011, 18:08
by RenewableCandy
I'd often wondered what the collective term for Climate Scientists I know: it's "a MoFo of Climate Scientists" :)

(I can't get the subtitles to sync up with the actual words, mind).