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Penguins on grass

Posted: 30 Mar 2011, 12:40
by biffvernon
We think of the Antarctic as a land of snow and ice. But, in summer on the Antarctic Peninsula, and the islands surrounding the frozen centre of the continent, the snow melts and many areas become green with mosses and two species of native flowering plant. Recently, as global temperatures have increased, and Antarctic summers have become longer and warmer, one of these flowering plants, Antarctic Hairgrass has become increasingly widespread ... hange.html

Posted: 30 Mar 2011, 15:56
by kenneal - lagger
The Greening Campaign has reached Antarctica! Won't they be pleased! Not!! :twisted:

Posted: 30 Mar 2011, 17:19
by energy-village
And I thought this thread was going to be about animals and drug addiction!

Posted: 30 Mar 2011, 17:27
by JohnB
energy-village wrote:And I thought this thread was going to be about animals and drug addiction!
Some of us have enough self control, and appreciation of the seriousness of the situation, not to make comments like that :evil:.

But it was bloody hard to resist it :lol: