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2009 carbon emissions fall smaller than expected

Posted: 21 Nov 2010, 18:47
by Kieran

"Carbon emissions fell in 2009 due to the recession - but not by as much as predicted, suggesting the fast upward trend will soon be resumed.

Those are the key findings from an analysis of 2009 emissions data issued in the journal Nature Geoscience a week before the UN climate summit opens.

Industrialised nations saw big falls in emissions - but major developing countries saw a continued rise.

The report suggests emissions will begin rising by 3% per year again."

Article continues...

Posted: 22 Nov 2010, 14:47
by RenewableCandy
Yeah I saw that. Decoupling isn't going to happen, even though they're going to try and invoke the Decoupling Fairies at Cancun.

Posted: 22 Nov 2010, 21:26
by biffvernon
I wondered what a decoupling fairy looked like so tried Google Images:


Re: 2009 carbon emissions fall smaller than expected

Posted: 23 Nov 2010, 11:25
by emordnilap
Kieran wrote:suggesting the fast upward trend will soon be resumed.
Ah yes, growth. I remember growth...