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Videos Worth Watching

Posted: 01 Apr 2010, 18:22
by JohnB
Here are a series of videos that I think are worth watching, that put the case for taking action on climate change. It would be interesting to get the views of anyone who doesn't believe in CC AFTER they have watched and listened carefully.

Watch them is this order:

There are more by the same guy here, but I haven't watched them:

Posted: 02 Apr 2010, 14:24
by emordnilap
Yes, I'd already watched them but thanks JohnB. He puts a good convincing case. I enjoy his videos.

Posted: 02 Apr 2010, 20:27
by eatyourveg
My view? You are a biscuit short of a packet if you think it's all a scam.

I would call you cretinous but that would be offensive (cretins).