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UK to struggle to meet green energy targets

Posted: 03 Feb 2010, 09:23
by Aurora
Reuters - 02/02/10

Britain could struggle to hit its target of getting 15 percent of its energy from renewable resources within the next decade, according to a UK government report submitted to the European Union.

Interim targets for the next six years will cause even greater problems, causing Britain to fall behind its EU neighbors.

Article continues ...
Unless consumption remains limited, the UK could fail to hit any of its interim renewables targets for the next six years.

Posted: 03 Feb 2010, 09:29
by 2 As and a B
Hey! The sooner we fall behind, the more time we have to catch up!

Posted: 03 Feb 2010, 09:53
by Andy Hunt
foodimista wrote:Hey! The sooner we fall behind, the more time we have to catch up!
You never know, we might fall so far behind that we end up having to take short cuts like developing CCS for coal and industry etc.

I wouldn't write off British ingenuity just yet.