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Copenhagen climate summit held to ransom - Gordon Brown

Posted: 21 Dec 2009, 06:35
by Aurora
BBC News - 21/12/09

Gordon Brown will accuse a small group of countries of holding the Copenhagen climate summit talks to ransom.

The 193-nation conference ended with delegates simply "taking note" of a US-led climate deal that included limiting temperature rises to less than 2C.

The prime minister is expected to say in a podcast that at times he feared no deal would be reached at all.

And Energy Secretary Ed Miliband has described the summit as a "chaotic process dogged by procedural games".

In an article for the Guardian newspaper, Mr Miliband singled out China as having vetoed agreements on emissions.

Article continues ...

Posted: 21 Dec 2009, 07:45
by biffvernon
And the Danes jail Greenpeace demonstrators