Turns out he's also a full blown climate denier - gave him all the standard climate science, IPCC, on-the ground observations etc....
I defo didn't want to 'fall out' with him, so I pulled my punches and agreed to differ....
He's now sent this e-mail, which he expects me to reply to....
The discussion we had this afternoon is very important to me. I am 100% for cleaning up the mess that we’ve made of this world. I just don’t want to make it bigger, or harder to fix. As a trained Engineer & Scientist, defending anything but the truth is complete anathema to me. I have no skin in the game other than trying to make the world a less corrupt place. Consequently, I’m always searching for holes in an argument. Copernicus, after all, was initially in a minority of 1. I seriously want to know where my thinking may be misguided. Do you have any YouTube suggestions on the MSM's IPCCs arguments from a data perspective?
I’m currently struggling to understand the following data in relation to the Global Warming debate. I can’t YET work out where the flaw in my logic is. Perhaps you can help and could suggest where I may have gone astray in my thinking and argument? Any thoughts? I’ve kept it quite simple.
A. H20 exists as liquid water at the equator and in solid form as ice and snow at the poles.
B. The Earth’s weather systems & subsequent climate are driven by a differential in temperature between the tropics and the poles; i.e., presupposing excessive heat at the equator and freezing temperatures at the poles.
C. IPCC Global warming models ALL predict that CURRENT CO2 levels are CURRENTLY responsible for melting the ice at the poles turning them to water; thus resulting in a differential warming of both the air and [subsequently] surface & water temperatures at the poles.
D. A REDUCTION in the differential of temperature between equatorial and polar regions should therefore (by all current scientific definitions) REDUCE the differential in the necessary energy dynamics driving weather systems. Thus, if the differential is reduced the weather systems we experience should be becoming LESS extreme, NOT more, as currently reported.
E. Visa-vis, whitelisted reporting of more extreme weather is scientifically an indicator of relative GLOBAL COOLING at the poles, NOT the global warming of them! The weather itself disproves the IPCC’s position.
Taken as a whole, the IPCCs hypothesis and position on this climate data is a full-blown & unscientific non-sequetour. Their argument simply goes around and around without ever joining up. Completely non-sensical. As Spock would say, it’s illogical.
What have I got wrong in my reasoning here? It seems like basic O’level geography and physics to me.
Speaking of non-whitelisted science experts, here is the scientist the Economic Affairs Committee of the House of Lords chaired by Lord Wakeham chose to brief them on “The Economics of Climate Change:” Prof. Richard Lindzen (IPCC & Professor Of Atmospheric Physics at MIT). “The most distinguished living climate scientist on the planet.” From what I’ve seen of the current evidence we are both in the same ballpark - as is the founder of Greenpeace, Dr Patrick Moore. Also, Lord Nigel Lawson (Chaired House of Lords 2005 Enquiry Into The Scientific Evidence for Global Warming). Jeremy Corben’s brother, Dr Piers Corben (Solar Physicist & Climate Forecaster), Professor John Christy (Lead Author, IPCC). Prof. Paul Reiter (IPCC, Pasteur Institute & IPCC whistleblower). Dr Roy Spencer (Weather Satellite Team Leader NASA). Prof. Frederick Singer (Ex-Director, US National Weather Service). Nigel Calder (Ex Editor, New Scientist). Prof. Tim Ball (Dept. Climatology, Univ. of Winnipeg). Prof. Syun-Ichi Akasofu (Director, International Arctic Research Centre) .. amongst others:
The actual scientific ice core data from Vostock in the Antarctic does indeed show that CO2 is directly correlated with increases in temperature. Indeed, just like Al Gore correctly claims in "An Inconvenient Truth." What he fails to mention is that the temperature rises first and then CO2 subsequently rises 800 yrs later. The link is the wrong way around.