Stern admits he got it wrong.

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Stern admits he got it wrong.

Post by biffvernon »

It's good to see that Stern admits he was wrong, but he was paid a great deal of money to get things like this right. Many of us got it right but were not paid, just laughed at.
Lord Stern, author of the government-commissioned review on climate change that became the reference work for politicians and green campaigners, now says he underestimated the risks, and should have been more "blunt" about the threat posed to the economy by rising temperatures.

In an interview at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Stern, who is now a crossbench peer, said: "Looking back, I underestimated the risks. The planet and the atmosphere seem to be absorbing less carbon than we expected, and emissions are rising pretty strongly. Some of the effects are coming through more quickly than we thought then."

The Stern review, published in 2006, pointed to a 75% chance that global temperatures would rise by between two and three degrees above the long-term average; he now believes we are "on track for something like four ". Had he known the way the situation would evolve, he says, "I think I would have been a bit more blunt. I would have been much more strong about the risks of a four- or five-degree rise." ... ange-davos

The trouble is, he, and the rest of them at Davos, are still persuing economic growth. Now that 'he now believes we are "on track for something like four " ' he should be demanding an immediate stop to all burning of fossil fuel. But they still don't really get it. :(
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Re: Stern admits he got it wrong.

Post by emordnilap »

biffvernon wrote:Now that 'he now believes we are "on track for something like four " '
So his demonstrated caution means it could be more.
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