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Mini nuclear plants to be built almost anywhere in UK

Posted: 12 Jan 2024, 09:38
by Default0ptions
“Mini-nuclear power plants will be allowed almost anywhere outside built-up areas, as ministers relax planning rules to allow a “reawakening” of atomic electricity.

“Under plans to quadruple capacity in the next quarter of a century, ministers want a fleet of “small modular reactors” to be built across Britain alongside large power plants.” ... -rv5qxhzg2

I’ve mixed feelings about this. On the one hand we’ve got a lot of experience building, running, maintaining and (possibly) decommissioning submarine sized nuclear reactors.

On the other hand these are still nuclear reactors

Re: Mini nuclear plants to be built almost anywhere in UK

Posted: 13 Jan 2024, 13:33
by Ralphw2
They will still be a lot more expensive than renewables, and with the rapid research in battery technology, it won't be long before wind and or solar with long term storage is also cheaper.

Re: Mini nuclear plants to be built almost anywhere in UK

Posted: 14 Jan 2024, 14:53
by adam2
If this can be delivered more cheaply than wind/solar+ storage then I am in favour.
I suspect however that the planning process and the scale of enquires/studies/nimbyfests will render this slower and more expensive than renewables.
I would also only support this if design and manufacture was UK based and not reliant on russia, china, and other similar places.

Re: Mini nuclear plants to be built almost anywhere in UK

Posted: 14 Jan 2024, 18:44
by Default0ptions
Yeah I agree

Re: Mini nuclear plants to be built almost anywhere in UK

Posted: 14 Jan 2024, 20:49
by BritDownUnder
Smaller modular reactors will by definition be smaller and be more of them for a given output. This will mean there are more nuclear sites for NIMBYs to complain about and be a security risk. What you with them after they are done I don't know? Both sides in the Cold war have them stored somewhere a lot of them still on the subs themselves. I think a few were even tipped off ships into a convenient ocean trench somewhere in the Arctic to get rid of 'em.

A lot of recent Uranium supplied to the West was from Russia so that's food for thought.

Re: Mini nuclear plants to be built almost anywhere in UK

Posted: 14 Jan 2024, 21:30
by Default0ptions
Yeah you’re right there about Uranium producers BDU ... production