A Government Crime In Progress - Plasma Battery Theft

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A Government Crime In Progress - Plasma Battery Theft

Post by Green Energy Reports »

Why disruptive new Thorium Plasma Battery Technology is deliberately being hidden from the public by Uncle Sam...

Prepare to be a little curious and then very angry. And after the next 10 minutes you will no longer ask "Why". Here are the facts as best as we can learn on our own...

While most of you are focused on oil supply and demand, be advised that there are an estimated 1.5 trillion barrels of heavy crude oil still sitting below our feet and left as "last resort reservoirs" that are already becoming economically viable despite higher extraction and refining costs. However, a new technology may make all of our peak oil arguments a moot subject of little importance...

Since 2006, five different inventors have designed, three have created, and two have demonstrated self-contained safe and green nuclear "plasma" batteries that can put out reliable and stable power for 5-10 years - without a single recharge. These inventors include Americans Aries M. DeGeus, MIT Professor Eugene Mallove, a former U.S. Air Force Reservist we only know as "Danny", and a Russian name Dimitri Petronov. The fifth inventor still works for Uncle Sam and is not allowed to give us his name or details, but he vows to write a tell-all book when he retires and expatriates himself in 2 years. He too is very angry. Now if you Google the above names, along with the key words of "Inventor, plasma battery, energy, technology" you will find that two of these inventors have been murdered and the other two have simply vanished over a year ago. Why?

First you should know that Thorium is the only safe and green nuclear fuel that can even be handled by humans. It yields 200 more times energy than Uranium at half the cost, and is impossible to have a melt-down or any other catastrophic failure. It cannot be used to make nuclear weapons, and is found in very abundant supply in America, India, Turkey, Australia, and six other countries. The batteries they power, give off the same radiation level as a cell phone. They can be regulated to provide AC or DC power as an independent and portable energy source without connection to a grid. In fact India, China, and Norway are now spurning dangerous and toxic Uranium in favor of safe Thorium in their reactors following the Chernobyl and Fukishima fiascos as per this link...

http://www.thoriumenergyalliance.com/do ... nt_article...

Secondly, you should know that Dimitri Petronov powered his two bedroom home and every appliance in it for over a year with one of his batteries the size of a shoebox, and "Danny" made several models that could power anything from a mobile telephone to an 18 wheeler, and certainly a car. He even claimed that larger batteries the size of single family home could be plugged into the grid and power a city of 2 million people, and one the size of a refrigerator could power a 300 room hotel or hospital. He took one of his batteries to show investors in China in 2009, and when he arrived back in America he was greeted by four FBI agents which interrogated him for 4 days. Before he was released however, he was served a court order obtained by the Pentagon advising him that the U.S. government now owns all the rights to his invention, and he was ordered by the court under threat of imprisonment not to even discuss his invention, since it was being used by both NASA the U.S. military in top-secret applications. (i.e. long range torpedoes, sattelites, electric tanks & drones, underwater robotic missile launchers, etc.)

Below are the links that will give you more background on these two inventors, but now we must address the issue of why such disruptive green energy is not made immediately available to the auto industry for EVs, or homeowners around the globe...

1. The U.S. government collects over $1 Billion every day in fuel taxes and these monies account for over 35% of the American government's operating capital. About 43% of the cost of gasoline at our pumps goes to pay taxes. Our already strained economy would go belly-up within a month if these fuel-tax revenues were lost. Imagine if American and global consumers buy an EV powered with one of these Thorium plasma batteries and do not have to buy a gallon of gas for the next 5 years?

2. This brings us to an even bigger problem of technology suppression - the $600 Billion dollar oil industry which would lose about 85% of its gross revenues if these nifty batteries were made available to the public. So rather than forfeit billions in profits, they can spend a few million dollars to kill off, threaten, or discredit the inventors.

3. The most shameful obstruction to progress are own leaders on Capitol Hill, of which over 90% of them receive substantial campaign contributions from big oil and Saudi Arabian lobbyists, who hope and pray every day that the world will remain addicted to oil for yet another decade as they continue to drive up oil prices with one fabricated crisis after another. (ie. Iraq, Lbya, etc.) And of course they don't want to lose those fuel tax monies either which are used to fund many of their favorite pork barrel projects.

4. Last but certainly not least, the Pentagon has first priority in grabbing any commercially-valuable, or environmentally-friendly technology if it can help them kill more people, faster and cheaper in some future far away war. The DoD already gets over 15% of every tax dollar paid in America that is published, and perhaps another 10% of black covert ops money that is never publicly disclosed. Apparently already having enough firepower to obliterate Russia and every key Asian city within 10 hours, is still not enough technology for our generals, Boeing, Lockheed, Northrup, and their military industrial complex siblings who benefit quite generously from our tax dollars and the politicians they corrupt . Now those links...

www.prlog.org/11404351-new-plasma-batte ... can-power- electric-cars-for-years-so-why-is-the-inventor-now-missing.html

http://peakoil.com/alternative-energy/a ... echnology/

http://peakoil.com/alternative-energy/t ... -the-disru...

http://peakoil.com/alternative-energy/p ... -disappear...

http://www.zimbio.com/Project+Managemen ... es/rS7ejfm...

http://www.thoriumenergyalliance.com/Th ... vents.html

http://www.thoriumenergyalliance.com/do ... nt_article...

Hopefully after reading all of the above, you now realize that the energy "crisis" is one that is deliberately fabricated and manipulated to milk consumers of every possible penny. Our environment is not even a concern for the few hundred elite that are making billions at our expense and from our misery. If they had as much intelligence as they have money they would be asking themselves, how can they possibly spend all this money if they have no clean air to breath or the ambient temperature soon becomes 40 degrees centigrade on a daily basis within a decade? To these greedy bastards, ignorance is indeed bliss, and we will continue to pay the price for their ignorance. Only a global uprising against the elite profiteers can stop this criminal obstruction of technology, but realistically, it is more likely to snow in hell. Was it Ayn Rand who said "People get the government they allow and tolerate"? Sadly, "We the people" have become a nation of indifferent sheeple.

New technology is the easiest to ridicule but the most difficult to ignore - lest our skeptic minds be wrong.
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Re: A Government Crime In Progress - Plasma Battery Theft

Post by clv101 »

Green Energy Reports wrote:1. The U.S. government collects over $1 Billion every day in fuel taxes and these monies account for over 35% of the American government's operating capital. ... Imagine if American and global consumers buy an EV powered with one of these Thorium plasma batteries and do not have to buy a gallon of gas for the next 5 years?
Then just raise the same taxation revenue in other ways? Toll roads, vehicle tax, pay per mile... or if you generally wanted driving to be cheaper, just raise the equivalent tax on incomes or sales. This is a non-argument.
Green Energy Reports wrote:2. This brings us to an even bigger problem of technology suppression - the $600 Billion dollar oil industry which would lose about 85% of its gross revenues if these nifty batteries were made available to the public. So rather than forfeit billions in profits, they can spend a few million dollars to kill off, threaten, or discredit the inventors.
America is the world's largest oil importer. That oil import bill is a major contribution to the national trade deficit. America reducing its oil import bill is more important than supporting the business models of US based oil majors. Another non-argument.
Green Energy Reports wrote:3. The most shameful obstruction to progress are own leaders on Capitol Hill, of which over 90% of them receive substantial campaign contributions from big oil and Saudi Arabian lobbyists, who hope and pray every day that the world will remain addicted to oil for yet another decade as they continue to drive up oil prices with one fabricated crisis after another. (ie. Iraq, Lbya, etc.) And of course they don't want to lose those fuel tax monies either which are used to fund many of their favorite pork barrel projects.
Politicians can't suppress scientific discovery - especially those with the characteristics you describe. Politicians are motivated by growth - anything that reduces energy costs stimulates growth. It's a strawman to suggest that oil price over the last decade has been driven up by fabricated crisis. We've already discussed fuel tax. Non-argument.
Green Energy Reports wrote:4. Last but certainly not least, the Pentagon has first priority in grabbing any commercially-valuable, or environmentally-friendly technology if it can help them kill more people, faster and cheaper in some future far away war. The DoD already gets over 15% of every tax dollar paid in America that is published, and perhaps another 10% of black covert ops money that is never publicly disclosed. Apparently already having enough firepower to obliterate Russia and every key Asian city within 10 hours, is still not enough technology for our generals, Boeing, Lockheed, Northrup, and their military industrial complex siblings who benefit quite generously from our tax dollars and the politicians they corrupt . Now those links...
What is this argument? The US has a large defense budget?

Green Energy Reports wrote:Hopefully after reading all of the above, you now realize that the energy "crisis" is one that is deliberately fabricated and manipulated to milk consumers of every possible penny.
Sorry, no - not convinced. :)
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Post by DominicJ »

So, why doesnt France build on of these reactors?

Your argueing 5 individuals have independantly invented *AND* built these things.
Why not a 6th outside the US?

None fools
Theres a film from the 90's, called something like "outbreak", in which a monkey carrying a new strain of ebola virus (that was apparently created by the CIA and tested on black people in Africa, because obviously, racism drives every action of the CIA) reaches US soil and infects people.

The President and some other important people are discussing the problem.
White Military Officer demands the president allows him to nuke the town, because if he doesnt, *screen moves to large map of continental united states, with smallish red dot*, then tomorrow the outbreak will look like this, and the day after, it will look like this *larger orange dot*, by the end of the week, the entire world will be infected *US is completely orange, canada and mexico unaffected*

Thorium is a very interesting technology, but its one that needs tens if not hundreds of billions of research, in fact, it needs a manhatten project.
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Olduvai Theory (Updated) (Reviewed)
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Re: A Government Crime In Progress - Plasma Battery Theft

Post by Ludwig »

clv101 wrote: America is the world's largest oil importer. That oil import bill is a major contribution to the national trade deficit. America reducing its oil import bill is more important than supporting the business models of US based oil majors. Another non-argument.
Ha ha ha.

America is effectively RUN by the oil majors. The Government does what they want it to do. Period.
Politicians can't suppress scientific discovery - especially those with the characteristics you describe.
Why can't they?

Scientists aren't like political subversives: they need money to operate, and that money comes either from the Government, or from corporations.

Again we see this religious faith in the scientific process.
Politicians are motivated by growth - anything that reduces energy costs stimulates growth. It's a strawman to suggest that oil price over the last decade has been driven up by fabricated crisis. We've already discussed fuel tax. Non-argument.
"Politicians are motivated by growth"... What a simple world you live in, Chris. Politicians are motivated by all sorts of things. "Growth" must be a good way down the list from "greed" and "power". Not to mention "fear".

The oil majors can get rid of any politician who seriously threatens their interests.

America is run by corporations, the CIA and a bunch of lobby groups - certainly not by politicians, or at least not by politicians who don't have affiliations with those organisations.
Green Energy Reports wrote:Hopefully after reading all of the above, you now realize that the energy "crisis" is one that is deliberately fabricated and manipulated to milk consumers of every possible penny.
Sorry, no - not convinced. :)
I don't think he is arguing that Peak Oil is not real - rather, that the crisis might be unnecessary.

I don't know what to make of this post, but if the stuff about scientists' arrests and murders is true, I'm inclined to think there might be something in it, however dubious some of the author's assumptions may be.
Last edited by Ludwig on 29 Jun 2011, 19:31, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by biffvernon »

Try putting 'Thorium Plasma Battery Technology' into Google. Professor Plasma sure puts himself about the blogosphere ;)

(Never rely of a technology that hasn't actually been invented yet.)
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Post by Ludwig »

biffvernon wrote:Try putting 'Thorium Plasma Battery Technology' into Google. Professor Plasma sure puts himself about the blogosphere ;)

(Never rely of a technology that hasn't actually been invented yet.)
I'm not saying I am swallowing these claims uncritically. But how do you know whether it's been invented or not? The whole point the poster claims to be making is that anyone who speaks up about it is silenced.

Of course this might be a hoax, but the fact that there don't seem to be any "reputable" sources of information on the technology doesn't prove anything in itself.

Don't forget the concerted - and successful - efforts by companies like GM to stymie research into electric vehicles. These things do happenl.
Last edited by Ludwig on 29 Jun 2011, 21:24, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Ludwig »

DominicJ wrote: Theres a film from the 90's, called something like "outbreak", in which a monkey carrying a new strain of ebola virus (that was apparently created by the CIA and tested on black people in Africa, because obviously, racism drives every action of the CIA) reaches US soil and infects people.
That's a straw man argument if ever I saw one. "To believe this stuff, you must believe that the CIA is institutionally racist." What I believe is that the CIA doesn't give a fig about people in Africa.

I know it's only a film, but this is a point worth making, because the "logic" typically used against conspiracy theorists is, "If you believe that, you must also believe [insert self-evidently absurd and/or morally compromising stance of choice]."
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Before one argues they should do some homework...

Post by Green Energy Reports »

We appreciate freedom of speech, but three people spent six months of their lives investigating this technology, related murders, and physics behind the theory of plasma energy. We spoke with the leading expert on plasma energy (Professor Shimoda in Osaka, Japan) and we actually interviewed one of the inventors.

Anyone who takes the time to read the links (of our original post) and do some research on Thorium will see the writing on the wall. Uncle Sam is counting on the fact that most people are too busy, or just plain lazy to follow links or do any independent investigation. Just for fun, visit the U.S. Patent Office as we did and see how many patent files have been sealed by court orders in which the Pentagon or DoD are the requesting party. Over 12,000 in the last decade alone!

As a retired petro engineer for a major in Houston, I know for a fact that the "oil crisis" is much like the diamond industry - artificially manipulated to keep supply low and demand high. New refineries were deliberately not built for 20 years to maintain high prices, and now it is suppression of technology and information that is the last resort to keep us addicted to oil.

Until three years ago I too believed we were only a decade away from depleting our fossil fuels. But the heavy crude reserves and shale gas has barely been tapped. And before you scream otherwise, please read this link...

http://www.salon.com/news/politics/war_ ... index.html

The only true commodity that is growing scarce in the energy debate is truth. Those who try to expose it, suffer sudden "accidents", get harassed and threatened, or discredited with some phony criminal charges (ie Julian Assange of Wikileaks for example). And let's not forget what happened to Stan Meyer, the inventor from Ohio who regularly demonstrated his car that ran solely on water using advanced hydrogen on demand technology. (He was poisoned and died).

Professor Gene Mallove was a respected MIT Professor, not some crackpot gents. Aries DeGeus was a frequent guest of U.S. government research labs, and over a dozen people we spoke with from four countries confirm they witnessed impressive demonstration's of Danny's battery that confirm what Marina Petronov told us about her brother's invention, that was also witnessed by a handful of their Moscow neighbors.

This is not a technology that will be proven or disproven by internet dialogue, but perhaps a class action law suit where court orders will have to be obtained to compel full disclosure. As soon as Uncle Sam invokes "National Security" or any other excuse not to comply with such an order, we will have our public confirmation that this technology has been witheld from us.
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Re: Before one argues they should do some homework...

Post by Ludwig »

Green Energy Reports wrote: Until three years ago I too believed we were only a decade away from depleting our fossil fuels. But the heavy crude reserves and shale gas has barely been tapped. And before you scream otherwise, please read this link...

http://www.salon.com/news/politics/war_ ... index.html
There's always going to be someone claiming we're not running out of oil. I'm more inclined to trust Heinberg et al on this one.

If we're still awash with fossil fuels, why is America showing all the signs of going all out to seize control of Middle Eastern reserves?
The only true commodity that is growing scarce in the energy debate is truth. Those who try to expose it, suffer sudden "accidents", get harassed and threatened, or discredited with some phony criminal charges (ie Julian Assange of Wikileaks for example). And let's not forget what happened to Stan Meyer, the inventor from Ohio who regularly demonstrated his car that ran solely on water using advanced hydrogen on demand technology. (He was poisoned and died).
I'm not a scientist, but isn't the chemical energy of water minimal? Otherwise some creature would have evolved that could survive only by drinking, surely?

I take seriously the possibility that there is a cover-up going on here, but with respect, I'm sceptical about your inferences.
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Please don't misunderstand me...

Post by Green Energy Reports »

I never once suggested that we are NOT running out of fossil fuels. All natural resources are finite and the renewable rate for fossil fuels can never keep pace with mankind's consumption. But I want to refocus the conversation on why the Pentagon gets to deprive the world of such a game-changing technology. Can you imagine a world without coal plants? This technology makes it possible.

I think it is absolutely criminal for military applications to take precedence over environmental priorities especially now that we see the many droughts, crop failures, hurricanes, and other massive destruction caused by global warming. Class action law suits are the only recourse in my opinion.

What do you guys think? How can we get this technology out of the selfish hands of the DoD?
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Re: A Government Crime In Progress - Plasma Battery Theft

Post by biffvernon »

clv101 wrote:
Green Energy Reports wrote:Hopefully after reading all of the above, you now realize that the energy "crisis" is one that is deliberately fabricated and manipulated to milk consumers of every possible penny.
Sorry, no - not convinced. :)
Me neither. No point relying on another technology that hasn't been invented yet when our problems have be solved by changing human behaviour.

Here's a piece from The Ecologist a couple of weeks ago about thorium.

http://www.theecologist.org/News/news_a ... ption.html
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Post by adam2 »

Lot of nonsense.
Thorium certainly shows some promise for use in conventional nuclear reactors in place of uranium or plutonium.
Though not benign, it much less dangerous than more conventional nuclear fuels.

A nuclear "battery" to fit in a home or car seems most unlikely.
Nuclear reactors are inherently large scale devices, the smallest existing ones are those in nuclear submarines, not exactly portable except in a large ship.

Sounds to me like another urban myth and/or conspiracy theory.
If 5 people could invent it, why not anyone else ?
Those who own thorium mines would no doubt be very keen on the idea, are they showing any interest ?

Put in the same category as all the backyard tinkerers who have invented cars/engines that run on water but whom have been killed or bought out by big oil/the mafia/the CIA/the bankers/ enemy of your choice.
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Post by PS_RalphW »

I thiought nuclear batteries were what drove deep space satellites like Vogager. Simply a quantity of highly radioactive isotope, used to generate small quantities of electricity.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radioisoto ... _generator

Voyager uses plutonium. Not exactly easy to recycle!

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Re: A Government Crime In Progress - Plasma Battery Theft

Post by Ludwig »

biffvernon wrote:
clv101 wrote:
Green Energy Reports wrote:Hopefully after reading all of the above, you now realize that the energy "crisis" is one that is deliberately fabricated and manipulated to milk consumers of every possible penny.
Sorry, no - not convinced. :)
Me neither. No point relying on another technology that hasn't been invented yet when our problems have be solved by changing human behaviour.
They don't have to be solved in any particular way.
Here's a piece from The Ecologist a couple of weeks ago about thorium.

http://www.theecologist.org/News/news_a ... ption.html
The Ecologist is always going to downplay the viability of any type of nuclear energy, isn't it? Perhaps not without good reason, but let's not pretend it doesn't have an agenda to plug.
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