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Toshiba 4S Nuclear Reactor

Posted: 02 Apr 2011, 15:42
by WatchMeRise
Hearing a lot of buzz that this safer, mini nuke reactor we be used in the rebuilding of Japan...thoughts??

Posted: 02 Apr 2011, 16:34
by biffvernon
Liquid sodium in a hole in the ground. Hard to think of a better way to make a big bang in the event of a tsunami filling the hole with water just after the containment had been cracked by an earthquake. The shape of the hole would act like a canon barrel to eject the nuclear fuel into the stratosphere.

I don't think the Japanese are going to be buying many of these.

Welcome to PowerSwitch, WatchMeRise, home for cynics.

Posted: 02 Apr 2011, 18:47
by 2 As and a B
Doubt if there'll be any takers here. Try another forum.