Is Iranian nuke safe?
Posted: 05 Mar 2011, 23:01
the rest at ... 27325.htmlRepeated delays in the opening of a showpiece Iranian nuclear reactor are triggering concerns over Tehran's ability to safely run a civilian nuclear-power plant without the risk of a catastrophic accident, analysts say.
The worries have been provoked by the latest setback to hit the Bushehr plant, where, according to a report published last week on Iran's nuclear activities by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), engineers are being forced to remove 163 fuel rods. Russia's state nuclear energy corporation, Rosatom -- whose scientists have helped to build the plant -- said this week that the action was needed after damage was discovered at one of the reactor's main cooling pumps.
It is the latest in a series of hitches for the reactor, whose construction has cost more than $1 billion.