Hole-y security
Posted: 16 Dec 2010, 16:03
Oh dear.
"A secret counter-terrorism review of Britain's nuclear power plants is under way after fears arose over safety at the giant Sellafield reprocessing site."
"Officials at HM Inspectorate of Constabulary, which is responsible for assessing the work of police forces across England, Wales and Northern Ireland, have begun an urgent assessment."
"Concerns about protecting the plant may have come to light during an exercise in which special forces posed as terrorists to test security, according to The Times newspaper."
"The Civil Nuclear Constabulary, which has a force of about 800 officers, most of whom are trained marksmen, is unusual because it answers to DECC and not the Home Office."
"The force's main role is protecting the country's nuclear estate from the threat of international terrorism and has recently upgraded the quality and type of weapons and ammunition used by staff."