So maybe we should define just which isotope of plutonium we are talking about before using phrases such as short-lived or long-lived.stevecook172001 wrote:
Plutonium is precisely the kind of nuclear material that falls between the two stools I mentioned. It does not exist in nature (or at least, it exists in infinitesimally small amounts) because it would have long since decayed to nothing. The only kind of nuclear material we find in nature is far longer lived and so far less radioactive than plutonium. That's the point
On the other hand, very short lived material that would exist after several processing iterations would be far more radioactive than plutonium, but far shorter lived..
for someone who so often chooses to employ the cheap rhetorical tactic of claiming that other posters do not understand how "complex" a given topic is (as you have already done here), your lack of understanding of basic nuclear physics is laughable. Either that, or you just can't help responding Pavlovian-style to any arguments about nuclear power that do not strictly comply with your own a-priori irrationally based conclusions about it.
There are 15 isotopes of plutonium. Pu233 has a half-life of 20 minutes. Pu244 is 80 million years while Pu239, which features a lot in the nuclear industry, has a half-life of 24000 years. And therein lies one of the many problems. And then there are all the other radioactive elements. Sorry Steve but it really is all a bit complicated.