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TEQs website Front Page Claims
Posted: 27 Jan 2011, 10:18
by An Inspector Calls
In your front page ( you make this assertion:
"There is the climate problem: oil, gas and coal produce the greenhouse gases that are changing our climate. This is already killing many species and 150,000 people each year, and is only getting worse, with the potential to hit unstoppable runaway conditions within a decade."
Can you provide any evidence (rather than conjecture) to support these claims?
[Bandidoz - edited title to remove ambiguity]
Re: Front Page Claims
Posted: 27 Jan 2011, 10:26
by woodpecker
An Inspector Calls wrote:In your front page ( you make this assertion:
"There is the climate problem: oil, gas and coal produce the greenhouse gases that are changing our climate. This is already killing many species and 150,000 people each year, and is only getting worse, with the potential to hit unstoppable runaway conditions within a decade."
Can you provide any evidence (rather than conjecture) to support these claims?
Dear Inspector,
you'll notice that the URL you quote is for a different website, the TEQ website. This is the Powerswitch website, which hosts a range of energy-related forums, including a forum to discuss TEQs.
I realise you may not understand much about the interweb, but if you have a question concerning material on the *TEQ website* and are addressing the query to the people running that site (and your question does appear to be addressed to the people running that site), would it not be more sensible to contact the people running the TEQ website themselves, via their Contact Us page? If you want an answer from them, that is.
Posted: 27 Jan 2011, 10:48
by An Inspector Calls
Yes, I spotted the dichotomy, as you would no doubt put it, but since the TEQ site links on repeated occassions to this, I assumed someone here could support the claims.
Posted: 27 Jan 2011, 13:26
by Ludwig
Hm... The TEQ site does actually have this paragraph:
You may also be interested to take a look at our TEQs FAQs section, come to an event, or join the discussions in our TEQs forum (hosted by PowerSwitch).
"TEQs forum" links to the TEQs topic on PS. Bit cheeky, that, isn't it? Certainly misleading.
Re: Front Page Claims
Posted: 27 Jan 2011, 14:19
by emordnilap
An Inspector Calls wrote:In your front page ( you make this assertion:
"There is the climate problem: oil, gas and coal produce the greenhouse gases that are changing our climate. This is already killing many species and 150,000 people each year, and is only getting worse, with the potential to hit unstoppable runaway conditions within a decade."
Can you provide any evidence (rather than conjecture) to support these claims?
Welcome back, MacG.
Posted: 27 Jan 2011, 15:20
by woodpecker
An Inspector Calls wrote:Yes, I spotted the dichotomy, as you would no doubt put it, but since the TEQ site links on repeated occassions to this, I assumed someone here could support the claims.
It's not "the dichotomy".
If you want to talk about TEQs with a bunch of other people from wherever, on a forum (who have no responsibility for the website you refer to, or its content), post here.
If you want your question answered by someone who runs the TEQ website about content on the TEQ website (which is what you indicated you wanted in your original post), contact TEQ HQ, details clearly stated on the TEQ website Contact Us page.
Alternatively, you could always try and persuade the peeps at the OED to revise their definitions of 'you' and 'your'....
Posted: 27 Jan 2011, 15:29
by kenneal - lagger
Inspector, if you really want information on Climate Science I would suggest you go to and have a look through the information available there. They are full time climate scientists and will answer your questions far better than we can here. After all it is better to get your info straight from the horses mouth.
There are plenty of threads on this site where climate science has been picked over to the bone if you want to get an idea of what the arguments are and there are also loads of references to more technical websites. If you really want to know, read first then come back with particular questions. If you just want to waste our time with specious points of no particular validity, please go away (I'm being polite).
Posted: 27 Jan 2011, 16:27
by An Inspector Calls
Ok, so no one here knows what underpins one of the justifications for considering TEQs.
Neither do I.
Who's MacG when he's (she's) at home?
Posted: 27 Jan 2011, 16:37
by clv101
Did you try looking it up? Sticking "150,000 people climate", "runaway climate decade" or "killing species climate" into Google? There's lots of literature out there.
Anyway, we have the Climate Change Act which mandates 80% cuts from 1990 by 2050. TEQs is just a framework for delivering what's already on the statute.
Re: Front Page Claims
Posted: 27 Jan 2011, 21:22
by Bandidoz
An Inspector Calls sort of wrote:TEQs website claims climate change killing 150,000 people each year
I'm a fan of TEQs, but would be concerned about *any* website making such a claim.
Posted: 28 Jan 2011, 20:17
by Shaun Chamberlin
Bandidoz wrote:An Inspector Calls sort of wrote:TEQs website claims climate change killing 150,000 people each year
I'm a fan of TEQs, but would be concerned about *any* website making such a claim.
It's from the World Health Organisation. As clv101 says, it's both easily Googlable (if that's a word!) and not a necessary underpinning for TEQs. As Kenneal says, if you want to debate climate science itself, there are far better venues.
Ludwig wrote:Hm... The TEQ site does actually have this paragraph:
You may also be interested to take a look at our TEQs FAQs section, come to an event, or join the discussions in our TEQs forum (hosted by PowerSwitch).
"TEQs forum" links to the TEQs topic on PS. Bit cheeky, that, isn't it? Certainly misleading.
Not misleading at all. As agreed with PowerSwitch, it links to the dedicated TEQs forum, which is hosted on the PowerSwitch site.
Posted: 28 Jan 2011, 20:57
by Bandidoz
Hi Shaun
I suggest you modify the wording then to indicate that it's a WHO statement rather than an assertion of your own.
Posted: 28 Jan 2011, 21:00
by Shaun Chamberlin
Bandidoz wrote:Hi Shaun
I suggest you modify the wording then to indicate that it's a WHO statement rather than an assertion of your own.
Fair enough. Although the TEQs front page will be changing anyway v soon.
Posted: 29 Jan 2011, 14:24
by Yves75
TEQ is junk compared to high flat redistributed tax à la Hansen
Plus if they don't even have the balls to refer to peak oil regarding the necessity to reduce our consumption, it is yet another reason to discard this proposal. (and I'm not an AGW denier at all)
TEQs are crap, just like CCS is crap for instance (for other reasons)
Posted: 29 Jan 2011, 16:58
by RenewableCandy
Alain75 wrote:TEQ is junk compared to high flat redistributed tax à la Hansen
At the moment I'm inclined to agree, with the proviso that the tax-and-redistribution process is transparent and simple enough that people can, from one annual "statement of account" and a few articles on the News, understand exactly what's going on.