Copied from the TEQs mailing list:
A flurry of activity as emissions levels keep rising
The only place to start this update is with the International Energy Agency's announcement that global energy-related emissions were higher than ever before in 2010. This underscores the failure of existing approaches to managing energy and emissions, and the need for TEQs, or something very like it.
Against this backdrop, it's been another hectic and productive time for the TEQs campaign, as our TEQs Ambassadors start to make their presence felt, and some significant partnerships are forged.
Polish pilot project possibility
Perhaps the headline news is that we have been working with the ENERGA Group (who provide 17% of Poland's electricity, primarily through hydro-power) in preparing a bid for 380,000 Euros of EU funding to run a pilot project in an area of Poland, to demonstrate the feasibility and benefits of a TEQs-type scheme.
The bid is now in, and we should hear whether it has been successful later this year.
Political developments
The Green Party of Sweden passed a resolution at its congress in May to work for a feasibility study of TEQs, following that country's Left Party, who took a similar decision last year.
While in India (the world's third largest emitter), the government is introducing a system of tradable energy saving certificates, or Escerts, a mandatory national scheme covering businesses. As far as I know, this was not influenced by TEQs, but it has been a good opening for us in developing contacts in that country, and is another step away from the emissions trading schemes that have been undermining climate action around the world.
TEQs ambassadors
Meanwhile our TEQs ambassadors have been busy around the world:
Canada: We have a meeting secured with the Environmental Commissioner of Ontario, which I plan to join via Skype.
Netherlands: The Dutch bank ABN AMRO have put two part-time staff from their 'Ideas Incubator' team onto helping with questions around the technical implementation of TEQs and TEQs pilots, and considering which mechanisms are already in place within the banking system.
Italy: A group from Transition Italia/ASPO Italia have undertaken the work of translating the Parliamentary report into Italian, as well as adding Italian subtitles to my Youtube presentation.
USA: One of our ambassadors has decided to print up copies of the report in the US, to cut out the environmental costs of having copies transported across the Atlantic.
UK: Long-time supporter Alexis Rowell had a letter in support of TEQs published in the national newspaper The Guardian.
Catalonia: Beth Stratford, the editor of the Parliamentary report, delivered a visually attractive presentation on TEQs to the Resource Cap Coalition's conference in Rupia. They are debating which policies they should advocate at EU level, and TEQs is now under consideration.
Online: At the request of supporters, I have also added a new FAQ to the website on the differences between TEQs and carbon trading. I have also been in touch with a couple of academics who are writing dissertations on the scheme.
David Fleming's book published
Finally, I am delighted to announce that the life's work of the late Dr. David Fleming, inventor of TEQs, has finally been published. Lean Logic: A Dictionary for the Future and How to Survive It is now available.
The book is printed in a hardback first edition of 500 copies, comprising David's final draft, comprehensive footnotes, bibliography and references and illustrated with many wonderful wood cuts and illustrations. It is 736 pages in all, and all proceeds from sales of Lean Logic will be used to promote David's work and passions, including TEQs.
Copies may be obtained for £30 or £25 each for two or more (plus £5 per copy for postage and packing) by sending address details and a cheque payable to Lucy Barlow to:
Lean Logic
Court Farm House
North Street
Oxon OX27 7QX
If you prefer to make a bank transfer, please email for the required details.
Thanks, as ever, for all your support and encouragement,
Shaun Chamberlin
TEQs Development Director
The Lean Economy Connection
TEQs Facebook group
TEQs LinkedIn group
TEQs update - 25 July 2011 - A flurry of activity as emis...
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