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Is it a Scottish Power delaying tactic? Govt tolerance gdlns

Posted: 06 Jul 2011, 21:28
by 5928
I provided a 3 month meter reading to Scottish Power and received a response :-

"The reading you have provided of 2071 appears to be out of tolerance and therefore has failed validation.

For your reading and payment to be processed we require photographic proof of our reading."

I provided a cutnpaste of my daily readings for the last 3 months and asked how was it out of spec?

to which they said

Your meter is not out of spec ,we have tolerance levels set by the government which means if your meter generates above this tolerance we require a photograph so we can make sure your meter is correct and in turn your payments are spot on ,unfortunately this is a requirement by the government and we can but only follow these guidelines.

As soon as we get your photograph then that’s us back on track and we can get your payments out to you ,just look at it this way if we ask for a photo due to over tolerance it simply means you’re making more money.

Are any members aware of any such government guidelines/tolerances?

Posted: 06 Jul 2011, 21:33
by biffvernon
A while ago the meter reading person made a mistake and I phoned the supply company when I got their bill and told them. They said "Please send a photo", I said "No", (actually I said a little more than that), they said "Oh, all right then" and accepted my corrected reading!

Posted: 07 Jul 2011, 20:44
by katie
I rang my reading in last week so maybe I'll get one of those letters too. My meter is at roof height in the garage so I'd need to get on a stepladder to get a decent photo. That is not a good idea with my vertigo so maybe they will have to send someone round to climb the steps and have a look. :roll:

Katie :)