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1000+ Photovoltaic Installations!!!

Posted: 17 Dec 2008, 08:56
by sjaglin

Some might know that I am trying to involve more UK Photovoltaic users into sharing their experience on a massive Photovoltaic-users-Website called BDPV.

We now have more than 1000 Photovoltaic stations registered all through Europe, only 2 in the UK but I have faith! All is free and maintain by David Trebosc who is quite an expert in Solar Energy and Home-Automation, (Domotics).

Come and have a look at our Photos :

BDPV Photos

And the Website :


On the Map you can click on each little Sun and that gives you the description of the System. There is a full description of each installation with Inverter model, panel model orientation and inclination.

I hope some can gain information from this site and decide which installation they need!

