Help Stop the Tar Sands Oil Keystone XL Pipeline

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Help Stop the Tar Sands Oil Keystone XL Pipeline

Post by ISFsupporter »

You can help stop the Tar Sands Oil Keystone XL Pipeline from hurting our planet by signing this petition: ... l-pipeline

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Post by emordnilap »

It'll go ahead.

It may get delayed a little. Obama doesn't really want to be the one to approve it. Give the job to the next (i.e. republican) pres.
Oil producers are reluctant to pay anything more than the 10-cents-a-barrel carbon tax already imposed by the province of Alberta.
My, how generous these companies are.

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Post by PS_RalphW »

It is not in the US's short term economic interests to build the northern pipeline (The southern end goes live next month) because it causes a bottleneck for the export of Canadian tar sands, and drives down the price they have to pay for the stuff. Obama can get green brownie points for now by refusing to build it, whilst the shale oil boom keeps the US well supplied with oil at below world prices on average. He, or more likely his successor can reverse the decision when the shale oil supply peaks in 2-5 years, and get brownie points then for fixing the latest energy crisis at the stroke of a pen.
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Post by emordnilap »

I experience pleasure and pains, and pursue goals in service of them, so I cannot reasonably deny the right of other sentient agents to do the same - Steven Pinker
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