New Book- The Prostitute State
Posted: 02 Sep 2014, 09:25
New book out, nothing new to any of us, but may be interesting nevertheless. Here's a summary of his argument:
Pillar 1 – Our Corrupted Democracy
As a senior Lib-Dem I got a wide range of eco-friendly and progressive policies adopted by the party-conference. But invariably the corporate lobbyists, who surrounded the party’s leadership, smothered almost every single democratic decision. Reams of the top party echelons are or were corporate lobbyists. It is the same in the other major parties. Corporate lobbyists are calling the shots, not we the voters. Take for example the nuclear industry.
Almost every single former Labour Minister for Energy is a lucratively paid nuclear-lobbyist, as was Nick Clegg’s last general election Lib Dem Treasurer. Despite the public favouring renewable-power over nuclear by huge margins, all three main parties are now committed to pouring billions of our money into poisonous new nuclear white-elephants. Huge swathes of government are now under corporate influence including our civil-service, the armed forces and police, the House of Lords and even our regulatory systems.
Pillar 2 – Our Prostituted Academia
Our sacred halls of learning whether they be primary schools, secondary schools or university research departments are increasingly being taken over by corporate funding. Even in inner-city Peckham, the local academy’s teaching policies are now dictated by a Tory Party-donor rather than professional teachers. The national think-tanks which frequently guide government policy are now often merely propaganda fronts for corporations, whether they are oil corporations or robber banks. All of the centre or centre-right think-tanks refuse to reveal who is funding them, despite the fact they are quoted in the prostituted media as “independent” think-tanks. The prostitution of our education system means the potential extinction of any independent thought being taught to our future voting citizens.
Pillar 3 – The Criminal Tax-Havens
My efforts to clean-up dubious Lib Dem funding by rich-donors who then received peerages or personal access to the leader, were opposed by senior Lib-Dems connected to the off-shore tax-haven cartels. I only made the connection after resigning from its Federal Executive over their refusal to halt the corrupt practice of Lib-Dem peers selling political-lobbying services to corporations. When I then examined fund-raising in the other parties, I realised they were all dependent on massive funding from these appalling tax-havens. Nick Clegg’s Treasurer again was a lobbyist for the truly obscene Cayman Islands. Almost all Tory Treasurers have been linked with tax-havens. So were almost all Labour party millionaire donors during the Blair years.
The UK’s tax-havens are instrumental in shifting the UK tax-burden from corporations to ordinary workers and the creation of our huge public-spending deficit. They are also the route by which the wealth of the poorest nations on earth is funnelled into western banks, leaving a trail of poverty, disease, and environmental destruction in their wake. By funding our democracy they ensure their control on international finance and power.
Pillar 4 – Our Prostituted Media
But it is the final pillar The Prostituted Media which ensures that all of the above corruption of democracy is carried out without fear of the population rebelling to defend our rights and interests. Five tax-avoiding billionaires control over 80% of UK daily newspapers. 18% of the rest is largely in the hands of international financial corporations, leaving only the Guardian at 2.6% to represent the interests of the non-billionaire section of society. These five billionaires also own vast swathes of our TV, film and book industries, thus exerting an iron grip on almost everything our culture even thinks about.
As long as Murdoch (Sun/Times), Desmond (Express), Rothermere (Mail), the Barclay Brothers (Telegraph) or their ilk monopolise our prostituted media, we will never create the social and environmental justice that so many of us dream and work so hard for.
Thus to summarise, if the rich elites and corporations control the production of thought, the dissemination of thought, the implementation of thought and the funding of thought, then we no longer live in a democracy but The Prostitute State.