Kindle e-books & freebies

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Kindle e-books & freebies

Post by Aurora »

If Greece goes?: The impact of a Greek default on Europe and the world economy

The Financial Times, the global business newspaper, has led the field with its coverage of the eurozone crisis and Greece's political and financial chaos. As the chances of a Greek exit from the eurozone grow, the FT's specialist correspondents and authoritative columnists dissect the potentially devastating consequences for businesses and governments across Europe. Could a 'Grexit' spell the unravelling of the European Union? Should the world economy take cover? What would the impact be on Greece itself? Based on a series of articles published online and in print in May 2012, the Financial Times' first ebook includes a foreword by Lionel Barber, the FT editor, an updated introduction to possible scenarios in the months ahead and a new chapter on the options for Germany, Europe's paymaster. Contributors include award-winning commentators Martin Wolf, Wolfgang Münchau and Gillian Tett, and foreign correspondents Peter Spiegel and Quentin Peel.
See: http://www.DODGY TAX ... B008846SEW

What IF ?

What IF ? is a book that describes several different types of scenarios and solutions that an individual, or family, can do to protect themselves in the event that "everything comes undone". The world as we know it today, could change overnight. How do you protect your family, where would you go, what would you do if the power grid, in half of the United States, was completely wiped out in the blink of an eye ? Could you live for a year or two without going to the store to buy food and water ? Could you protect your property and family if a small angry mob were to attack your home? Particularly if they knew you had food and water and they hadn't eaten for a week ? Do you know how to protect your family in the event a nuclear bomb were to go off hundreds of miles from your home ? This book takes a hard look at several of these possibilities and explains what solutions are in your hands how to resolve them. How to barricade yourself safely into your home and discussions about several different types of weapons and what the pros and cons are to each.
Strategic information about growing and storing your own food supply. Different ways to collect and store water are discussed as well. This book is a must read for anyone that's remotely concerned about the government's ability to maintain and restore order in the event of any type of natural or man-made disaster. There are multiple levels of preparedness that all of us can take. The question is, what are you willing to prepare for ? What IF the unthinkable happens ?
See: http://www.DODGY TAX ... B00APOV8XE

BTW, you don't need a Kindle to enjoy the library of free ebooks from DODGY TAX AVOIDERS.

See: http://www.DODGY TAX ... 1000425503
You don't need to own a Kindle device to enjoy Kindle books. Download one of our free Kindle apps to start reading Kindle books on all your devices. The Kindle app is available for every major smartphone, tablet, and computer. That means with our free Kindle Reading apps, you can buy a Kindle book once, and read it on any device with the Kindle app installed. And of course, you can also read that same Kindle book on a Kindle, Kindle Touch, or Kindle Keyboard if you own one.
Last edited by Aurora on 07 Jan 2013, 07:25, edited 1 time in total.

Post by Aurora »


Post by Aurora »

Free e-books can also be obtained from the following web sites:

Project Gutenberg: 33,000 free e-books, including all of the classics, available in Kindle, HTML and simple text formats.

Google E-Bookstore: The free section is filled with thousands of free, scanned copies of books, available in Kindle-friendly PDF formats.

Internet Archive: Millions of primarily rare, out-of-print works in multiple languages and formats (including Kindle), especially useful for academic work.

Open Library: 20 million user-contributed items in multiple editions and formats (including Kindle). Nearly 30,000 titles, many of which have been pulled from Project Gutenberg. Has a good collection of little-known Creative Commons works.

LibriVox: Thousands of free audiobooks. Free Kindle Books offers 1000's of Free Classic E-books in Kindle-compatible MOBI and PRC formats.

Thousands of free audio books are also available to download. See: Free Audio Books: The Top Eight Websites.

Gather ye rosebuds while ye may. Enjoy. :D

Post by Aurora »


Post by Aurora »

Extreme Money: Masters of the Universe and the Cult of Risk

“ Extreme Money is a morality tale of the cascade of massive wealth into the pockets of financial wizards at the cost of the stability of the global financial system.... a cautionary tale from Faust warning what happens to those who trade their souls for lucre."
Another good read. The Kindle version is currently available for free from DODGY TAX AVOIDERS. :)

Doomsday Prepping Crash Course: The Ultimate Preppers Guide to Getting Prepared When You're on a Tight Budget

This DODGY TAX AVOIDERS best seller is a book that every prepper needs to read! If you're feeling the need to get prepared for any number of the potential emergencies that our world is facing in the near future, the Doomsday Prepping Crash Course is the perfect book for you! It's written by Patty Hahne, the owner of the emergency preparedness blog called Like the blog, this is a book about prepping that is written by a prepper.

It's packed with great information about how a beginner can get started preparing for the natural or economic disasters that may be coming our way. Not only is it full of a ton of helpful information about prepping, it provides some great tips for saving money while you are preparing to survive a doomsday event.

Read this book and it will get you started on the right foot! Before long, you'll be proud to call yourself a "prepper" and you'll be ready for whatever might come your way.

Inside the Doomsday Prepping Crash Course you'll learn all kinds of great things such as:

Having Good Plans in Place Will Pave the Way to Success
Avoid Frustration by Starting With the Easy Things First
Properly Storing Water for Emergency Use
Collecting Water When Supplies Run Low
Filtering and Treating Water to Make It Safe to Drink
Preparing to Help Your Animals Survive Doomsday
Making Use of the "One Extra" Method When Shopping
Stocking Up on Medication and Medical Supplies
Get the Upper Hand by Storing Bartering Items
Leverage the Power of Buying In Bulk
Learn How to Obtain Food in a Post Doomsday World
Turn Your Survival Food into Meals That Satisfy
Becoming Prepared To Defend Yourself and Your Property
Preparing To Have Electricity after Doomsday

This book is for the beginning prepper who wants to prepare for doomsday while saving money at the same time. There's no better feeling in the world than knowing that you've taken the steps to prepare your family to survive whatever crisis happens to be coming your way.
US centric no doubt, but hey, the Kindle version is currently free. :)
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Post by biffvernon »

I think my prepping reading started in 1973 with John and Sally Seymour's Self-Sufficiency. The rest has just been tweeking. :)
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Post by RenewableCandy »

Well yes but there's yer rural prepping, and then there's yer urban/suburban prepping.
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Post by Keela »

I have a Kindle and love it... (so easy to make the writing bigger -rather than look for my glasses).

A while back I might have jumped at one or two of these. Right now I'm rather more into historical novels.... 8)
kenneal - lagger
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Post by kenneal - lagger »

I made a decision not to use DODGY TAX AVOIDERS because of their tax avoidance but I think I might just make use of their service for some freebies though.
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Post by RenewableCandy »

Yes but what, I wonder, does Matthew Lynn reckon will happen in 2031?
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Post by oobers »

kenneal - lagger wrote:I made a decision not to use DODGY TAX AVOIDERS because of their tax avoidance but I think I might just make use of their service for some freebies though.
Indeed. I recently added a note on my DODGY TAX AVOIDERS wish list asking my friends and family to browse the list and read the reviews by all means but to buy the book in their local independent book shop, not DODGY TAX AVOIDERS. I likened it to my policy of seeking out McDonalds when I need to use the toilet in town. Shit on them by all means but don't pay to eat their shit food..
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Post by emordnilap »

oobers wrote:
kenneal - lagger wrote:I made a decision not to use DODGY TAX AVOIDERS because of their tax avoidance but I think I might just make use of their service for some freebies though.
Indeed. I recently added a note on my DODGY TAX AVOIDERS wish list asking my friends and family to browse the list and read the reviews by all means but to buy the book in their local independent book shop, not DODGY TAX AVOIDERS. I likened it to my policy of seeking out McDonalds when I need to use the toilet in town. Shit on them by all means but don't pay to eat their shit food..
I like it! We use Tesco's toilet sometimes for similar reasons. Sometimes I go to look at a price of something in Tesco, to pass the information back to a real shopkeeper. Just being in their store dilutes their takings per body by a tiny, minute amount. :lol: Every little helps.

For books, I like because it's a not-for-profit women's collective and, even ordering via the web, you feel like you're dealing with human beings. Their prices are sometimes higher than DODGY TAX AVOIDERS's, so beware - but price may not always bubble to the top of your criteria.
I experience pleasure and pains, and pursue goals in service of them, so I cannot reasonably deny the right of other sentient agents to do the same - Steven Pinker
kenneal - lagger
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Post by kenneal - lagger »

I like Oobers sentiment very much.

Regarding price at DODGY TAX AVOIDERS, we have to factor in the extra tax that we are paying on something else every time we buy from DODGY TAX AVOIDERS because they, in effect, by not paying tax receive a subsidy from the tax payer on all their sales. Look on the extra that you pay someone else as the tax that would have to be levied by DODGY TAX AVOIDERS if their made their proper contribution to the society that they now sponge off.

You could say that DODGY TAX AVOIDERS are in the same situation as someone who elects to take the dole rather than work for a living. It's not illegal but it's not a particularly moral thing to do either. DODGY TAX AVOIDERS "avoiding" tax isn't illegal but ...
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Post by emordnilap »

kenneal - lagger wrote:Regarding price at DODGY TAX AVOIDERS, we have to factor in the extra tax that we are paying on something else every time we buy from DODGY TAX AVOIDERS because they, in effect, by not paying tax receive a subsidy from the tax payer on all their sales. Look on the extra that you pay someone else as the tax that would have to be levied by DODGY TAX AVOIDERS if their made their proper contribution to the society that they now sponge off.
I experience pleasure and pains, and pursue goals in service of them, so I cannot reasonably deny the right of other sentient agents to do the same - Steven Pinker

Post by Aurora »

Another Kindle freebie from DODGY TAX AVOIDERS.

Build the Ideal Bug Out Bag: The Ultimate Guide to Preparing a 72 Hour Survival Kit for Surviving Comfortably.


See: http://www.DODGY TAX ... 91031_f_13
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