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Lord Beria3
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Good radio shows...

Post by Lord Beria3 »

Might as well start a thread about good radio shows worth listening to.
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Post by Lord Beria3 » ... ld-in-2050
The world's population is exploding, wild species are vanishing, our environment is degrading, and the costs of resources from oil to water are going nowhere but up. So what kind of world are we leaving for our children and grandchildren? Geoscientist and Guggenheim fellow Laurence Smith draws on the latest global modeling research to construct a sweeping thought experiment on what our world will be like in 2050. The result is both good news and bad: Eight nations of the Arctic Rim (including the United States) will become increasingly prosperous, powerful, and politically stable, while those closer to the equator will face water shortages, aging populations, and crowded megacities sapped by the rising costs of energy and coastal flooding.

The World in 2050 combines the lessons of geography and history with state-of-the-art model projections and analytical data-everything from climate dynamics and resource stocks to age distributions and economic growth projections. But Smith offers more than a compendium of statistics and studies- he spent fifteen months traveling the Arctic Rim, collecting stories and insights that resonate throughout the book. It is an approach much like Jared Diamond took in Guns, Germs, and Steel and Collapse, a work of geoscientific investigation rich in the appreciation of human diversity.

Packed with stunning photographs, original maps, and informative tables, this is the most authoritative, balanced, and compelling account available of the world of challenges and opportunities that we will leave for our children.
Sounds like a interesting interview.
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Post by RenewableCandy »

I've taken to listening to R4 of late and their "Costing the Earth" is quite good. They were investigating coral reefs earlier this week.
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Post by Lord Beria3 » ... -are-going
Jim interviews Stratfor’s George Freidman, discussing his dynamic new book, “The Next Decade: where we’ve been…and where we’re going”
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Post by admin2 »

The TEDTalks podcasts.

And a lot of the BBC podcasts.

And itunes university.
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Post by Lord Beria3 »

Two programmes on the search of growth.
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Post by Lord Beria3 »
Turmoil across the Middle East sent oil prices jumping and has raised big questions about the security of the energy supplies that have powered the world economy for the past 100 years. Peter Day investigates the future of oil.and what the current upheavals might mean for other energy supplies.
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Michael Blastland lays out the history of economic ideas to understand why economics goes wrong and whether it can ever go entirely right

3 part series
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Post by Lord Beria3 »
Brazil, Russia, Indonesia and China are the BRICs - the developing countries experts think are well on their way to the top of the world's economic league table. But now there's talk that the fourth most populous country, Indonesia, is heading there, too. From Jakarta, Peter Day finds out more.
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Post by phobos »

I think you would all enjoy Jack Spirkos podcast, it covers lots of interesting stuff, but not in an Alex Jones kind of way :)
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Post by Lord Beria3 » ... xt-tsunami
Nicola Foss - The peaking of oil prices and the coming Depression. Resource Wars to follow.
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Post by Lord Beria3 » ... ash-course
FSN In Depth: Chris Martenson, The Crash Course

The next twenty years will be completely unlike the last twenty years.

The world is in economic crisis, and there are no easy fixes to our predicament. Unsustainable trends in the economy, energy, and the environment have finally caught up with us and are converging on a very narrow window of time—the "Twenty-Teens." The Crash Course presents our predicament and illuminates the path ahead, so you can face the coming disruptions and thrive--without fearing the future or retreating into denial. In this book you will find solid facts and grounded reasoning presented in a calm, positive, non-partisan manner.

Our money system places impossible demands upon a finite world. Exponentially rising levels of debt, based on assumptions of future economic growth to fund repayment, will shudder to a halt and then reverse. Unfortunately, our financial system does not operate in reverse. The consequences of massive deleveraging will be severe.

Oil is essential for economic growth. The reality of dwindling oil supplies is now internationally recognized, yet virtually no developed nations have a Plan B. The economic risks to individuals, companies, and countries are varied and enormous. Best-case, living standards will drop steadily worldwide. Worst-case, systemic financial crises will toss the world into jarring chaos.

This book is written for those who are motivated to learn about the root causes of our predicaments, protect themselves and their families, mitigate risks as much as possible, and control what effects they can. With challenge comes opportunity, and The Crash Course offers a positive vision for how to reshape our lives to be more balanced, resilient, and sustainable.
Great show.
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Post by Lord Beria3 »

Continental Drift
As the sovereign debt crisis continues what next for the Euro? What next for Europe? Peter Day asks the experts.
Very good show on the gravity of the crisis facing the eurozone (and us!)
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Post by Oxenstierna »

More of a podcast than a radio show:

C-Realm hosted by a guy who calls himself KMO.

Programmes of varying quality but he does sometimes get some very good interviewees.
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