Political Ponerology

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Political Ponerology

Post by Snail »

Political Ponerology: A Science on the Nature of Evil. Adjusted for Political Purposes by Dr. Andrew Lobaczewski

Explains the how and why entire societies are taken over and controlled by a small number of pathological people.

Why this happens during the 'good times' , how this descends into the bad.

It's chilling stuff.

But explains what is happening right now. Or, at least, a significant part of it.

I can't do this book justice.

It can found for free easily enough online.
Last edited by Snail on 18 Jul 2015, 18:11, edited 1 time in total.

Post by Snail »

I'm about 3/4s through this but going to reread it from the start. But more slowly this time so I can properly take it in.


It explains what happened to the Labour/lib dem party. Why the irrationality concernng greece. Wars, bush, Blair etc.


We've all joked about Blair and bush being psychopaths. But this book really brings this into focus. Its an extremely serious issue and something we all need to think more of. Unfortunately the west at least seems to have already entered the dangerous phase of the 'hysteroidal cycle'
Little John

Post by Little John »

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