Emotional response to images of wind turbines

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Emotional response to images of wind turbines

Post by biffvernon »

http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/ar ... 4615001188
Social acceptance for wind turbines is variable, providing a challenge to the implementation of this energy source. Psychological research could contribute to the science of climate change. Here we focus on the emotional responses to the visual impact of wind turbines on the landscape, a factor which dominates attitudes towards this technology. Participants in the laboratory viewed images of turbines and other constructions (churches, pylons and power-plants) against rural scenes, and provided psychophysiological and self-report measures of their emotional reactions. We hypothesised that the emotional response to wind turbines would be more negative and intense than to control objects, and that this difference would be accentuated for turbine opponents. As predicted, the psychophysiological response to turbines was stronger than the response to churches, but did not differ from that of other industrial constructions. In contrast with predictions, turbines were rated as less aversive and more calming compared with other industrial constructions, and equivalent to churches. Supporters and non-supporters did not differ significantly from each other. We discuss how a methodology using photo manipulations and emotional self-assessments can help estimate the emotional reaction to the visual impact on the landscape at the planning stage for new wind turbine applications.
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Post by PS_RalphW »

As predicted, the psychophysiological response to turbines was stronger than the response to churches, but did not differ from that of other industrial constructions. In contrast with predictions, turbines were rated as less aversive and more calming compared with other industrial constructions, and equivalent to churches.
I'm confused. Is this a contradiction? I'm fairly sure the bulk of objections to turbines is cultural, based on misguided loyalty to a idyllic view of the world that never existed. I find electricity pylons extremely ugly, but also a lot of motorways and other major intrusions into the landscape. I am sad that some wind turbine projects require new pylons to be built across the landscape, but all UK landscapes are man made at some point in the last few thousand years, even the remote highlands.

New pylon designs are being tested that are less ugly.
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Post by biffvernon »

See pylons through the eyes of my artist friend, Max Griffin: http://maximpetergriffin.co.uk/pylons

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