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a hull of a deal: wind turbine factory in alexandra dock?

Posted: 26 Mar 2014, 10:00
by emordnilap
See here.
In May 2010, Siemens signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the Government, setting out its intention to build an offshore wind turbine facility in the UK.

Eight months later, the company identified Alexandra Dock as its preferred location for the development as part of its agreement with ABP.

It was one of 110 sites across Europe that was considered ripe for investment, along with the South Bank of the Humber and Teesside.

Now the company has turned that MoU into a solid contract.

Posted: 26 Mar 2014, 10:29
by emordnilap
Heh heh. Just saw this quote from our golfing pro-pollution friend:
As for a planning application, due for decision on March 30th, by Clare Coastal Wind Power Ltd to erect nine 85m wind turbines 2kms south of the village of Doonbeg, Trump is not concerned.

“There is a plan for a wind farm but I think the people of Ireland and the representatives of Ireland are too smart to allow that to happen,” Trump said. “It will kill tourism.”
The representatives? Who gives a shit about them?