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Brent Cross Planning **** Up

Posted: 09 Jun 2010, 18:02
by raspberry-blower
I received this today from the Campaign for Better Transport about the proposed Brent Cross development. It's heavily reliant on car transport :roll: - diddly squat consideration for other modes of transport.

If you fancy writing to Eric Pickles about this idiotic proposal and the need for a public inquiry into this idiotic proposal you can do so here: ... dium=email

Posted: 10 Jun 2010, 02:58
by kenneal - lagger
I responded to that but didn't use the template letter. Instead I mentioned North Sea Oil depletion, its effect on the balance of payments and on the governments economic policy as reasons to support a more public transport friendly proposal which would use less oil fuel.

I also mentioned that, with this type of "mall" proposal, the government and the public are subsidising the retailers distribution costs by providing much of the transport infrastructure for retail distribution as against more distributed, smaller shops that are available locally. A few more lorry journeys to local shops is more efficient than hundreds of car journeys to a central mall.