Fast Train To Nowhere?
Posted: 20 May 2010, 06:24
George Monbiot - 17/05/10
Before the UK commissions a high speed rail network, we should ask ourselves some big questions.
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The UK's Peak Oil Discussion Forum & Community
George Monbiot - 17/05/10
Before the UK commissions a high speed rail network, we should ask ourselves some big questions.
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Why do we all want to be somewhere else, very soon? Should we not be content with where we are?George Monbiot wrote:what’s it all for? The department argues that high speed rail is necessary because economic growth encourages people to travel more. High speed rail, it says, will stimulate economic growth. This will encourage people to travel more, which will … For how much longer can this go on? At what point do we decide that this crowded little island is busy enough?
The answer from old and new governments appears to be never. The Department for Transport expects flying to increase by 178% between 2008 and 2033, driving by 43% and train journeys by 150%(12). It does not seek to reduce this demand, only to accommodate it, until England becomes a giant transport corridor. Progress is measured by the number of people in transit. Civilisation will have reached its apogee when the entire population of Manchester takes the train every day to London and the entire population of London takes the train every day to Manchester. Perhaps we should resolve Britain’s railway network into a single orbital system, so that we can all remain in constant circulation. Then we’ll know we’re getting somewhere.
I'm not sure that rushing back and forth at speed between London and Manchester is quite the sort of travel you have in mind.stumuzz wrote:travel broadens the mind, lets you meet new and interesting people, stops wars;
I suppose the article confirmed my prejudice against the big project inter-city type stuff.biffvernon wrote:An excellent piece. I particularly like:Why do we all want to be somewhere else, very soon? Should we not be content with where we are?George Monbiot wrote:what’s it all for? The department argues that high speed rail is necessary because economic growth encourages people to travel more. High speed rail, it says, will stimulate economic growth. This will encourage people to travel more, which will … For how much longer can this go on? At what point do we decide that this crowded little island is busy enough?
The answer from old and new governments appears to be never. The Department for Transport expects flying to increase by 178% between 2008 and 2033, driving by 43% and train journeys by 150%(12). It does not seek to reduce this demand, only to accommodate it, until England becomes a giant transport corridor. Progress is measured by the number of people in transit. Civilisation will have reached its apogee when the entire population of Manchester takes the train every day to London and the entire population of London takes the train every day to Manchester. Perhaps we should resolve Britain’s railway network into a single orbital system, so that we can all remain in constant circulation. Then we’ll know we’re getting somewhere.