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Nissan Leaf electric car to cost £28,350

Posted: 18 May 2010, 04:47
by Aurora
The Guardian - 17/05/10

Nissan Leaf electric car to cost £28,350 – £10,000 more than rivals


Fully electric Leaf goes on sale February 2011, with buyers making money back in three years due to low running costs.

Article continues ...
£28350 and ugly to boot. I don't think there'll be a queue forming in February, do you?

Posted: 18 May 2010, 10:24
by PS_RalphW
I'm in two minds about this.

I still think a range extending serial hybrid is the way to go, but with none on the market I wonder how long before the Sterling collapses to a point that buying any imported car becomes unaffordable.

A 30% devaluation against the Yen would swallow the extra cost.

I wonder what the insurance rates are on one of these?

And how long do the batteries last before you get a £10,000 replacement bill?

Posted: 18 May 2010, 11:37
by biffvernon
Needs an electric road

Posted: 18 May 2010, 11:37
by phobos
Thats not a particularly flattering picture, I think it looks ok.

There is also a incentive package by the government which knocks another £5k off the price, which brings it more inline with its rivals.

Posted: 19 May 2010, 16:36
by PS_RalphW
Practical range of Nissan Leaf is less than US 2 seater built in 1908

When will we build a realistic electric car?