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New Micra direct inj. petrol with supercharger & 95 g/Km

Posted: 03 Mar 2010, 19:16
by ujoni08
Seems quite a step forward for the Micra. DI petrol engines are said to be the next big thing. The emissions at 95 g/Km are better than any other petrol engine, as far as I know (excluding hybrids). ... -micra.htm


Posted: 03 Mar 2010, 20:31
by phobos
shame its still as ugly as sin...

Posted: 03 Mar 2010, 21:27
by JohnB
In what way are any of the vehicles on that Green Car site "green"? According to Chambers 21st Century dictionary, the relevant definition of "green" is "showing concern for, or designed to be harmless to, the environment". They may use less fuel and have lower emissions than "non green" cars, but they're hardly harmless to the environment, and show more concern for making money and maintaining BAU :?.

Posted: 03 Mar 2010, 23:17
by PS_RalphW
I think this is the really important part of the report. Far more believable than all the technobabble.
Breaking with traditions that focused on launching production in established markets like Europe and Japan, Nissan will base production of the new Micra at overseas manufacturing sites such as Thailand, India, Mexico and China.

Posted: 04 Mar 2010, 01:34
by Quintus
phobos wrote:shame its still as ugly as sin...
Sin can be beautiful sometimes!

'green' cars

Posted: 04 Mar 2010, 09:03
by ujoni08
You're absolutely right, JohnB. Take a look at all of these 'green' car websites:


Posted: 04 Mar 2010, 10:15
by JohnB
My first car was green :D.

Since then I've had red, yellow, silver, black, brown and bronze ones, and my current van is white :lol:.