Government response to aviation growth / CO2 petition
Posted: 20 Feb 2010, 08:14
The UK's Peak Oil Discussion Forum & Community
Now I don't think that's fair. After all, the steel industry (to take a random example that's been brought to mind recently) is also international: Steel is pretty fungible and might end up anywhere. But no-one's suggesting they should have their CO_2 emissions counted independently of their country of manufacture on the grounds that the steel is only being made because someone overseas wants to use it.HMG wrote:However, we believe that a global, sectoral approach is more appropriate for aviation. This would, in effect, make aircraft operators responsible for their emissions, rather than countries.
This is the obvious, logical take on it but the sharing of emissions seems to create a mental block for pro-aviation people.RenewableCandy wrote:The "simples" answer would be to go halves on the CO_2 count for any given flight: e.g. Heathrow to Dallas, the UK takes half the responsibility, the USA (or the Texans by themselves if they've left it) takes the other 1/2.
Rubbish. They really hate having to divert their flights because of fog, because it costs them so much moolah...oh I see what you meanemordnilap wrote: Obfuscation and diversion are their preferred solutions.