BAA to give up on third Heathrow runway
Posted: 11 Oct 2009, 19:53
Surprise surprise: ... 869676.ece
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The Millennium Dome is often described as a white elephant, that’s nothing compared with the acres of empty tarmac we’ll have if these plans are pursued. It is clear that the forecasted traffic growth in the white paper is wrong. This should be highlighted and the government retract this forecast so we can stop wasting time and money on building things that don’t have a future.
The current position of justifying airport expansion on the basis of cheap oil is indefensible.
more investment, jobs, franshises, military uses, etc... perhaps?I really wonder why on earth they wanted it to start with
In the same way people wish to drive Ferraris? I don't think people need to travel anything like as much as they do. Can we scale back national person-miles to 1990 levels? With the decrease in heavy industry, increase in service sector, increase in telecoms etc... we should be able to run an economy on a lot less person-miles than we do now.adam2 wrote:Great news indeed, but remembering that people will still wish to travel...
Looks like funWe want to see how we could fortify the Airplot so that, if the police and the bulldozers come to turf us out, we'll be able to physically block the construction of a new runway. Hopefully it will never come to that, because there's no way a new government can continue to support the runway plans, but we want to be prepared.
So we're running not one but two competitions. One is for architects and architecture students to come up with some practical solutions for how we can defend the land, and the other is open to everyone to let their imaginations off the leash. We want to make sure we get the best ideas out there so whether it's a tower, a tunnel or a bouncy castle, get sketching.