Smart motorway project "paused"

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Smart motorway project "paused"

Post by adam2 »

Which probably in fact means cancelled. Good news IMHO, The idea was to increase capacity, which increases traffic, and carbon emissions.
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Re: Smart motorway project "paused"

Post by UndercoverElephant »

Yes, good news. Motorways were designed with hard shoulders for a reason.
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Re: Smart motorway project "paused"

Post by BritDownUnder »

Perhaps the government had done a "Ford Pinto" cost-benefit analysis where the savings made by eliminating hard shoulders was more than the total cost of the lives lost by making this change.
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Re: Smart motorway project "paused"

Post by Mark »

The 'battle' is only half won......
They've only agreed not to build any new ones...., which is probably more to do with saving money, than saving lives....
Approx. 10% of the motorway network is already 'Smart' - no plans as yet to reinstate the lost hard shoulders....??
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