Gwahoddiad i drafodaeth ar ?Egni y tu hwnt i Olew?
6.45pm tan 9pm
Mercher 18fed Ebrill
Clwb y Bont
85a Stryd Taff
Cyflwyniad a thrafodaeth (yn Saesneg) gyda Paul Mobbs awdur y llyfr 'Energy Beyond Oil' yn delio gyda phwnc egni a'r dyfodol :
* Pam fod prisiau tanwydd yn codi ?
* Pa faint o egni yr ydym yn defnyddio ?
* Beth yw 'penllanw?r cyflenwad olew' a sut effaith caiff hyn ar ein bywydau ?
* Pa faint o olew a nwy sydd ar ?l ?
* A all egni adnewyddadwy gwneud gwahaniaeth ?
Croeso cynnes i bawb.
Rhondda Cynon Taff Green Drinks
18.04.07 “Egni y tu hwnt i Olew” trafodaeth ym Mhontypridd
Moderator: Peak Moderation
That's easy for you to say!
Cymru am byth . . .
Cymru am byth . . .
Andy Hunt
Eternal Sunshine wrote: I wouldn't want to worry you with the truth.
I had difficulty translating many terms... including "peak oil" itself.Andy Hunt wrote:That's easy for you to say!
Cymru am byth . . .
People often make the mistake of thinking that proficiency in a language means that translation comes easy. It's certainly easier, but translation is itself a separate skill.
I bet it's tricky . . . the temptation must be there to simply transliterate the English phrase, or just use it directly.
I was looking at your translation . . . what does it mean, literally? I was guessing at 'Energy After The Oil Peak' . . . ?
I was looking at your translation . . . what does it mean, literally? I was guessing at 'Energy After The Oil Peak' . . . ?
Andy Hunt
Eternal Sunshine wrote: I wouldn't want to worry you with the truth.
egni == energyAndy Hunt wrote:I bet it's tricky . . . the temptation must be there to simply transliterate the English phrase, or just use it directly.
I was looking at your translation . . . what does it mean, literally? I was guessing at 'Energy After The Oil Peak' . . . ?
olew == oil
y tu hwnt == beyond
I'm open to suggestions about correcting my translation!