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Hello folk, A Durham based Prepper signing in

Posted: 29 Sep 2012, 13:17
by northernraider
Hi folks, couldnt see a say hello section so I thought i should say hi here in the regional section.

I'm a 55 yr old Prepper living in County Durham, Been into survivalism / prepping, renewable energy and sustainable communities for many long years. I helped get some wind farms built in the region ( good/ bad?) I've written booklets on prepping for families, I wrote the Prepper Chronicles a series of hypothetical scenarios and I often write articles on survivalism and prepping in the UK.

Hopefully I can learn much about energy issues from you guys.

Posted: 29 Sep 2012, 19:06
by snow hope
Welcome to PowerSwitch NR. :)

Lots of good information on this site - you will be a long time browsing through the various threads but it should be worth it.

Posted: 02 Oct 2012, 00:42
by Eternal Sunshine
Hello Northernraider,

sounds like you're pretty knowledgeable already - I'm sure you can teach some on here a bit anyway. :wink:

Welcome. :)

Posted: 02 Oct 2012, 08:41
by northernraider
I know very little about Peak oil issues thats why I joined, I tend to find that I can obtain better well thought out info on energy issues off forums like these than I can from Trade Events plus the info here is free and energy shows cost a bomb :)

Ta for the welcome.