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Grim up North - official Powerswitch drinks
Posted: 05 Jun 2010, 18:04
by Andy Hunt
Right, how about an 'official' Powerswitch meet-up in Manchester.
Proposed date: Saturday 26th June
Proposed venue: Peveril of the Peak ... CBMQnQIwAQ
Proposed time: 12:00 noon
so who's up for it then?!
Posted: 05 Jun 2010, 21:30
by Eternal Sunshine
I would have, we're well overdue a meeting, but I'll be in Glastonbury that w/e.
Posted: 05 Jun 2010, 21:58
by Andy Hunt
I think you have the best deal there!!
Maybe it can be rearranged to another weekend. how about 24th July? It's a bit of a way off though . . .
Posted: 05 Jun 2010, 23:10
by Eternal Sunshine
I'm working that weekend, sorry. It'd be best to arrange it without me. My next free weekend is in August! (Mainly due to work commitments, but also we're moving my mum back up North in July).
Posted: 05 Jun 2010, 23:12
by Andy Hunt
Are there any that would be good for you Jackie? It would kind of defeat the object if people couldn't make it
Posted: 09 Jun 2010, 23:32
by Eternal Sunshine
The first weekend I have free is the 7 August but I'm worried if I can't attend for some reason you'll have wasted your time arranging it around me!
Posted: 19 Jun 2010, 14:58
by CountingDown
How about a weekday evening? Or maybe as a follow on from Green Drinks?
Posted: 19 Jun 2010, 16:41
by RenewableCandy
Isn't 7 August the Small Green Gathering chez Ken?
(consults diary...) Blimey the stuff people have talked me into doing...I'm probably better orf going for a Friday night.
Posted: 20 Jun 2010, 23:10
by Eternal Sunshine
Yes, there's lots of week days that I'm free. Maybe you could book the next morning off work Andy to recover from the effects of the real ale...
Posted: 20 Jun 2010, 23:14
by Andy Hunt
How about the w/b 12th July? I'm off work all that week!
Posted: 20 Jun 2010, 23:15
by Eternal Sunshine
That week my days off are Wed 14 & Thurs 15th July, so I could do either of those no problem.
Posted: 20 Jun 2010, 23:17
by Andy Hunt
Great!! Any more takers?!
Posted: 20 Jun 2010, 23:39
by Eternal Sunshine
Looks like just you and me then Andy.... Don't worry, I'm sure we can save the world, fuelled only on real ale rather than oil.
Posted: 20 Jun 2010, 23:48
by Andy Hunt
I'm convinced of it.
Posted: 21 Jun 2010, 08:14
by CountingDown
It's Green drinks that Tuesday, and I've got a Transition Town Meeting on the Thursday - could we do it after Green Drinks on Tuesday? (so then you'll have Wednesday to recover?)