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Cuban deep-water oil & gas to prompt US embargo U-turn?

Posted: 13 Sep 2006, 13:39
by Joe
Cuba oil prospects cloud US horizon
By Laura Smith-Spark
BBC News
The discovery of potential deep-water oil and gas reserves off Cuba's northern coast has caught the eye of the world's energy-hungry nations.

India's state-run oil firm ONGC, already signed up to exploration in the area, has just upped its stake - the latest to place its bets on a Cuban oil rush.

The 44-year-old US trade embargo, meanwhile, continues to bar American companies from doing business with the Caribbean island.


This summer, Republicans Jeff Flake and Larry Craig introduced twin bills to the House of Representatives and Senate respectively that would exempt American "big oil" from the embargo.

Congressman Flake, who represents Arizona, described the ban on trade with Cuba as "archaic policy".

Posted: 14 Sep 2006, 10:01
by hatchelt
Yeah right. Relax the trade embargos or just wait until Castro dies then pump X million into regime change. This is the US for christ sake...

Posted: 14 Sep 2006, 13:13
by careful_eugene
hatchelt wrote:or just wait until Castro dies
Yes they've been remarkably restrained so far