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how to post a graph

Posted: 05 Sep 2006, 09:08
by hatchelt
nonsense post deleted by adam2

Posted: 05 Sep 2006, 09:25
by isenhand
I feel so safe knowing we have such intelligent and knowledgeable people running the world!


Beware the NEWSPEAK

Posted: 05 Sep 2006, 13:13
by Billhook
Hatchelt - on " Renewability"

we should I think acknowledge that the president is technically entirely correct,
(as well as grossly dishonest in misleading the US electorate),
in declaring that nukular powr is 'renewable.'

Observe first that the term was promoted to its present usage in the '90s by those who find the constaints of the term 'sustainable' untenable.

Then observe that, in an infinite universe, we have an infinite supply of planets to reduce to uninhabitability via sequential nukular powred colonization.

Clearly, Nukular Powr is eminently renewable.



Posted: 05 Sep 2006, 14:07
by frankd2689
"... My message to the world is this: just treat us as we treat you," Bush said.

Do you suppose he had Guantanamo Bay or Abu Graibh in mind ?
Feel free to add your own examples... :lol:

Posted: 05 Sep 2006, 14:46
by ianryder
Hmm, anyone up for going and setting up some military bases (obviously not permanent) in Washington and maybe removing an evil dictator - in the name of Freedom of course :twisted:

Posted: 05 Sep 2006, 16:53
by snow hope
You mean in the "war against terror" Ian? :wink: :roll:

Posted: 05 Sep 2006, 16:57
by ianryder
No, I think we should call it something catchy like The War Against Monkey-Brained Texan Puppet People...apologies to all monkeys.

Posted: 05 Sep 2006, 18:52
by bigjim
Nucular power is not renewable but some bloke I know tells me that it'll last a long time. You know those fuel rods? Apparently once they become 'spent', 99% of it is still fine grade uranium and it goes to some reprocessing plant. Once it's been reprocessed we've got more usable uranium.

Posted: 06 Sep 2006, 00:38
by Billhook
Bigjim -

Could you ask your bloke whether Battery-Chicken-Dung-Power is renewable ?
and if so just what renewable means ?
and whether he will change his view once a battery chicken flu pandemic emerges ?


Posted: 06 Sep 2006, 08:40
by mikepepler
bigjim wrote:Nucular power is not renewable but some bloke I know tells me that it'll last a long time. You know those fuel rods? Apparently once they become 'spent', 99% of it is still fine grade uranium and it goes to some reprocessing plant. Once it's been reprocessed we've got more usable uranium.
The problem is that most of it is uranium-238, not the uranium-235 that you need, and has been partially used up. There is some plutonium created, and that can be reused in mixed oxide (MOX) fuel.

I imagine that when people say nuclear power is "renewable", they're thinking of fast-breeder reactors that convert uranium-238 into plutonium-239 for further use in a reactor. But seeing as the UK shut down it's only fast breeder a while ago... and probably with good reason considering the mess they made of the site up there (I used to work for these guys...).

Posted: 06 Sep 2006, 15:23
by Pippa
Billhook wrote:Bigjim -

Could you ask your bloke whether Battery-Chicken-Dung-Power is renewable ?
Working on the same lines, they spead CD on the field behind my mothers house every year before ploughing.

It stinks
It attracks a huge number of flies
All the villagers (including the newbies - lived their less than 20 years :D ) complain like mad

BUT THEY SHOULDN'T because the poo's renewable, organic, environmentally friendly, CO2 neutral, fossil fuel free ..........


Posted: 06 Sep 2006, 18:14
by bigjim
Billhook- go back and read my post! I did not say anywhere that nuclear was renewable! Not stupid you know.

Posted: 07 Sep 2006, 00:49
by Billhook
Dear Bigjim !

I didn't think you thought Nukular was renewable !

I thought your bloke (possibly virtual bloke) did !

My apols for lack of clarity !

My aim was actually to help shred the newspeak term Renewable !

All the best,


Posted: 07 Sep 2006, 15:24
by bigjim
Understood billhook. What my friend told me was, he seemed to be saying that uranium supplies would last a long time, not that it was renewable.

Posted: 07 Sep 2006, 23:23
by Cabrone
Sorry to break the bad news to Dubya but nothing in this universe is renewable (unless you talk to one of those nice blokes at Steorn Technologies).

Someone needs to whisper the 2nd law of thermodynamics in his ear, not that he'd understand...