Just suppose for a moment Scotland did get independence, there seems to be endless list of issues if this happened, any ideas how they would be resolved? It would be like a very messy divorce on a huge scale.
For example:
Central Bank?
Goverment Debt
North Sea tax revenues (how can they all go to Scotland if the oil was developed using mainly British companies when it was a British resource)
Armed Services (would you have an English and scots army - who gets the tanks and who gets the planes etc lol?)
Pension and healthcare liabilities and other benefits, with so many Scots in England and visa versa - who gets what?
Scottish MP's in Westminster (there are one or two!)
Scottish Ministers in Westminster - do they come or go.
Infrastructure - water/energy etc.
Taxation - for example corp tax goes to the British government to be spent inclusive of Scotland, which ones would pay to Scotland/England?
The list seems endless. The beaucracy alone would bankrupt both countries! (and the lawyers fees no doubt!)