extractorfan wrote:Aurora was trying to get you to agree that you are part of the "We".
Yes i agree im part of we and that is why im taking action now (growing own food etc), but i am not part of the we when used in a sentence like "the world we have created".
Every single person who has evr been born has been born into a system. Over time the various sytems have been changed, sometimes for good, sometimes for bad.
We are responsible for this system if we do not try to change it.
Yes you are correct, but my point is people don't know the consequences of there actions in participating in the system and so therefore have no reason to try change the system.
As i said i have tried my best to change the way i live since learning of peak oil and spread the message, im sure most people on earth would do the same if they were told the truth about the dire situation we find ourselves, but they don't know and so therefore cant act.
I don't do enough, you (hodson) don't do enough. We could always do more.
In what sense? Yes i could do more in trying to cut my emissions etc but in the grand scheme of things what can i really do? Nothing is the answer.
Even cutting my emissions by buying less fuel (if i drove) etc wouldn't make any difference what so ever, as some other bugger would buy that fuel anyway (by the way im just making a point, im not endorsing what i just wrote)
Only when the crisis hits or the masses are told the truth by msm or governments can, changes that will actually make a difference, happen.