Brexit process

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Little John

Post by Little John »

A coup d'etat is happening right now in Parliament.

Democracy was put to death last night; motivated by petty partisanship and sectarianism.

Come election time, I hope to God people will remember the traitors.

The traitors who took away the Prime Minister's only bargaining chip (the no-deal option).

I don't know (and neither do you) how many people who voted for Brexit have not changed their minds about it. But, I can tell you, in the North East where I live, no-one has. Literally not one. Labour are going to be slaughtered in their heartlands.
Little John

Post by Little John »

1) Remainer MP's win tomorrow's vote which will require that Johnson asks the EU for an extension

2) Johnson asks for the extension. But, with Britain being a member of the EU, he can also veto that extension since such an extension requires all member to vote in favor of it. Or, he gets an ally like Orban in Hungary to veto it. In which case, it cannot be granted.

3) Remainer MP's back in the UK parliament, go into apoplexy with rage, but there is nothing they can do. Their only option being to bring the government down and force a general election which Johnson could call for 1st November

It's not over yet.
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Post by UndercoverElephant »

Little John wrote: Labour are going to be slaughtered in their heartlands.
By who? :lol:

Johnson, or Farage? The tories are absolutely f***ed, Steve. They are going to be annihilated, but Farage won't pick up enough seats to save brexit. Corbyn has won.
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Post by UndercoverElephant »

Little John wrote:
2) Johnson asks for the extension. But, with Britain being a member of the EU, he can also veto that extension...
Good job we didn't get chaos with Ed Milliband, isn't it!!

Are you aware of the sheer insanity of what you are proposing? You seriously think Johnson is going to go to Brussels, ask for an article 50 extension because he's legally obliged to do so, and then veto his own request?!

And you think this is a path towards a general election victory!??

He's f***ed, Steve. There's no word for how f***ed.
It's not over yet.
That much is true. However, Johnson is out of decent cards to play. "Busted flush" is the term, I think.
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Post by UndercoverElephant »

I am told opposition parties will amend the government’s motion this pm to dissolve parliament, saying they will allow election if government accepts their new law that would seek to delay Brexit. What will @BorisJohnson do?
So the opposition has decided to let Johnson have an election before October 31st, but only if he accepts the need for an extension.

I have no idea whether he'll accept this.
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Lord Beria3
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Post by Lord Beria3 »

Interestingly Boris can veto his own extension at the European Council.

Brexit voters would cheer him on.
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Post by stumuz1 »

Just my tuppence worth.

Bojo will lose the vote tonight.

He will call an election, but will be refused by FTPA.

The new leg will mandate the Prime Minister to ask for an extension.

Bojo will resign in a blaze of never surrender, we will fight them on the beaches.

Parliament will then have a choice, agree to an election, or, choose an interim dear leader and go to the queen. There will be so much infighting amongst mp's that an election will be called with Conservatives/Brexit party doing mini side deals on putting up candidates.

12 hours is a long time in politics.
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Post by UndercoverElephant »

Lord Beria3 wrote:Interestingly Boris can veto his own extension at the European Council.
That people have been reduced to making this utterly bizarre suggestion just demonstrates how much trouble Johnson and the tories are in. Can you imagine what the EU thinks when watching people in the UK suggesting this course of action?

In reality he can't do this. Parliament would simply intervene again to prevent it. He's got to stop trying to impose his will on parliament when he's clearly in no position to do so.

All he can do now is ask for that extension and prepare to fight an election. If he resists this, all he will do is make his own position even more difficult.
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Post by stumuz1 »

If I remember correctly, its the 27 not the 28 that decides the extension?
Little John

Post by Little John »

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Post by UndercoverElephant »

Won't happen. No deal majority in the Lords is much bigger than it is in the commons.

A lot of people are clutching at straws out there. Johnson has lost this battle.
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Post by PS_RalphW »

Lords have lodges 83 wrecking amendments to the bill. They cannot succeed but it is an attempt to time out the bill because each one has to be debated and voted on through the lobbies
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Post by UndercoverElephant »

PS_RalphW wrote:Lords have lodges 83 wrecking amendments to the bill. They cannot succeed but it is an attempt to time out the bill because each one has to be debated and voted on through the lobbies
They will not succeed. There's no way the Lords will be able to use wrecking amendments to stop this particular bill.
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Post by kenneal - lagger »

They aren't expecting any of the amendments to pass and neither do they have to pass. It's just the time taken to debate and vote on the amendments that will take them through to a time when Parliament can be prorogued before the bill is passed.
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Post by kenneal - lagger »

These Remainer MPs are a spineless bunch of bastards, not having the guts to come out and vote down the referendum result. They are always trying to put the blame for their conniving onto the government.
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