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Post by clv101 »

Lord Beria3 wrote:War with Iran remains a long-shot though. Little appetite for war among US or UK public.
Can you see parliament voting for military action against Iran within the next few months... not going to happen. Doesn't seem like there are any British people on these ships, no one's been killed... and to what end would any conflict be.

We aren't going to war with Iran any time soon.
woodburner wrote:Just remember not be too eager to do a deal with the US and end up with their low standards.
Surely any deal with the US would involve brining them up to our standards... :twisted:
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Post by UndercoverElephant »

clv101 wrote:
We aren't going to war with Iran any time soon.
I might be completely wrong about this.

But, I do spend a lot of time hanging around on all sorts of places on the internet talking about politics, and I have sensed a shift in opinion tonight. Iran will be given a few days to release the ship. If it fails to do so, I think there will be a western military response within two weeks.
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Post by Lord Beria3 »

Sorry UE not feeling it myself.
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Post by Mark »

clv101 wrote:
woodburner wrote:Just remember not be too eager to do a deal with the US and end up with their low standards.
Surely any deal with the US would involve brining them up to our standards... :twisted:
That's what I don't understand about those pushing for a hard Brexit.
The inevitable consequence will be a closer 'union' with the US and all that brings....., including being their military 'lap dog'....
Assume those Hard Brexiteers actually want that ???
Little John

Post by Little John »

That is a typical Remainer false dichotomy.

People voted to regain sovereign independence. Not swap one master for another
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Post by PS_RalphW »

They are going to be sorely disappointed.

First minister has resigned at the prospect of Johnson PM. Won't be the last.

BBC are reporting Johnson victory as more or less a done deal.
Little John

Post by Little John »

PS_RalphW wrote:They are going to be sorely disappointed.

First minister has resigned at the prospect of Johnson PM. Won't be the last.

BBC are reporting Johnson victory as more or less a done deal.
Whether or not they are going to be disappointed is in the future and depends on a number of factors neither you nor I can confidently predict with any honesty.

What can be said, however, is that more democracy is better than less democracy. Unless, of course, one believes otherwise.

Do you believe otherwise?
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Post by PS_RalphW »

Jo Swinson is the new Lib Dem leader, by a significant margin.

It will be interesting to see if this result affects the LD poll ratings.

Democracy in this country is by parliamentary representation, for better or worse. The EU referendum was advisory, not compulsory. The two main parties did promise to follow it in the last election, but breaking election promises is more or less the normal from our parliamentary history.

Do you mean democracy where all policies are decided by plebicite and are irreversible in future plebiscites the light of new evidence?

Or do you democracy where the decisions are democratic when you agree with them?

/rant off
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Post by Lord Beria3 »

The voters were promised a "once in a generation" referendum and the entire political class promised to respect the result, whether Remain or Leave.

Its up to the political class to deliver on what they promised the British people.
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Post by Lord Beria3 »

Regarding Duncan, he exhibits all the signs of Boris Derangement Syndrome (BDS) among senior Tory ranks (and the wider metropolitan elite).

I'm not a big fan of Boris (like many, I have my doubts about him) but I do find amusing the hysteria and loathing he seems to trigger among elements of the elites and wider public.

So, for that reason alone, I will find the mild hysteria of BDS very amusing assuming that he wins the leadership tomorrow.
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Post by clv101 »

Lord Beria3 wrote:The voters were promised a "once in a generation" referendum and the entire political class promised to respect the result, whether Remain or Leave.

Its up to the political class to deliver on what they promised the British people.
They lied, as they often do. If they had really meant that they would have made it legally binding rather than advisor, as was case with AV referendum.
Little John

Post by Little John »

This is one lie they will not be getting away with. Or, at least, not without consequences that will be far worse than many imagine. Farage's Brexit party is merely the aperitif to the main party yet to come if Brexit does not happen.
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Post by UndercoverElephant »

I am really looking forward to Boris's first speech as PM.

What the hell is he going to say? Unless he calls an election straight away, I am struggling to imagine what he's going to say which isn't going to lead to an immediate crisis of major proportions.
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Post by clv101 »

UndercoverElephant wrote:I am really looking forward to Boris's first speech as PM.

What the hell is he going to say? Unless he calls an election straight away, I am struggling to imagine what he's going to say which isn't going to lead to an immediate crisis of major proportions.
Absolutely, it'll be fascinating. Surely it can't just be a rehash of his campaign rhetoric...
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Post by UndercoverElephant »

clv101 wrote:
UndercoverElephant wrote:I am really looking forward to Boris's first speech as PM.

What the hell is he going to say? Unless he calls an election straight away, I am struggling to imagine what he's going to say which isn't going to lead to an immediate crisis of major proportions.
Absolutely, it'll be fascinating. Surely it can't just be a rehash of his campaign rhetoric...
If so then things will start moving very quickly. What he really needs is the co-operation of Nigel Farage, and a lot of tories think he's going to get it. I think Farage has other plans.